Pick a Story: A pirate + alien + jungle adventure
Publisher: Farshore
Vincent has lost his dog Trouble at the park and he needs YOUR help.
Bringing the fun of choose-your-own-adventure stories to the world of picture books, this energetic interactive book sets up three alternative tales based around pirates, aliens and the jungle. Throughout, readers can devise their own setting and story based on decisions that send them back and forth through the pages, allowing them to experience the uniqueness of the story being different each time they read it. With twists and turns and hilarious characters, Trouble’s fate is completely in your hands.
As well as deciding how the narrative plays out, adventurers are invited to share their thoughts on topics that feed into the action, from discussing which animal they’d take to school for Show-and-Tell, to selecting souvenirs for aliens.
Pick-a-story books are tonnes of fun and can also support speech and language development, encourage independent thinking and introduce children to decision-making.
The dynamic and detailed illustrations perfectly match the bonkers settings of the different story paths.
Mae Vincent wedi colli ei gi Trouble yn y parc, ac mae arno angen EICH help CHI.
Gan ddod â hwyl straeon dewis-eich-antur-eich-hun i fyd llyfrau lluniau, mae'r llyfr egnïol, rhyngweithiol hwn yn cynnig tair stori wahanol wedi'u seilio ar fôr-ladron, estroniaid a'r jyngl.
Mae darllenwyr yn gallu dyfeisio'u straeon eu hunain drwy gydol y llyfr ar sail eu penderfyniadau, sy'n eu hanfon yn ôl ac ymlaen drwy'r tudalennau. Gyda throadau annisgwyl a chymeriadau digrif iawn, mae tynged Trouble yn eich dwylo chi yn llwyr.
Mae'r darluniau deinamig a manwl yn gweddu i'r dim i leoliadau gwallgof y llwybrau storïol gwahanol, gan wneud hwn yn llyfr difyr a rhyngweithiol i'w ddarllen.
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