Peace At Last
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
The hour is late and Mr Bear is tired. But he just can't sleep - however hard he tries, all he can hear are the noises in the house. SNORE, SNORE goes Mrs Bear. TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK goes the clock. Will he ever be able to find peace at last?
Jill Murphy's classic picture book is perfect for bedtime. Children will enjoy the delightful illustrations, the rhythm and repetition and all the familiar sounds of the night-time house which are woven through this story - which may just help them to drop off to sleep themselves!
Your favourite children's books
We invited you to let us know which titles you thought were missing. Here's our list of some of the great books that didn't make our final cut, but that you told us were your favourites.
These books are a great way to read and learn about all kinds of families with your toddler or younger child.
Books for bedtime
There's nothing quite like a lovely story before falling asleep. These books are sure to be a great bedtime read for any toddler or younger child will enjoy.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Noodle, 28 October 2016
A very nice & simple story that always appears at bedtime. It is quite funny. Lots to see on the pages to bring it to life more. Nice book.
Donatello, 19 October 2016
A great bedtime story. My girls love this one cuddled in. Lots of things to be seen on the pages & a good story of sleepless night!!
Donatello, 15 October 2016
I loved this book when I was little and my daughter now loves this book too.
Littlebean17, 15 September 2016
A lovely story that a lot of parents can relate to when it comes to a lack of sleep!
Katemate80, 13 August 2016
One of the best :) Definitely a bedtime favourite - we love spotting all the everday objects (car, clock, hot tea!) and we especially like the alarm clock waking up everyone at the end.
L_ChMa, 13 July 2016
I remember this book from when I was a child and I'm keen to share the stories I loved with my son so when I signed him up for a library card the other day (at 5 months old) it was the first book we borrowed! It's a great bedtime story.
Elliot2016, 03 July 2016
Lovely book I enjoyed when I was a child. Now Jack enjoys it and likes reading it before bed.
Jack, 17 June 2016
The twins love this book. Whenever we read it they copy the sounds the bears make especially Mr Bears phrase "Oh no, I can't stand this". We have borrowed this book from the library approximately 3 times. Its a great book to settle them to bed
Kons Twinnies, 02 June 2016
All time favourite night time story!
Kraig, 01 June 2016
My daughter loves this story x
Millieb23, 10 September 2015
Lovely book full of memories as I used to read it to my little brother and now I read it to my son.
Pickle25, 24 July 2015
Favourite book at first birthday
littlemissrose, 21 June 2015
Perfect for bedtime a firm favourite in our home
Mumofboys, 01 June 2015
Love this book. Have done since I was a child. I read it to my son as his bedtime story. He loves the different voices I do.
pinkeffie86, 14 May 2015
My little Boy Billy loves this book, he knows all the words and over time he can now say most of the words n do the sounds, its definitely one of his favourite stories. And likes to look at before bed 😊
Billy H, 10 April 2015
Used to get this out of the library when I was a young girl with my Dad, Love passing on the story to my little girl especially with the sound effects of the snoring that make her giggle. Love this book.
Minilemming, 29 March 2015
My three year old daughter and I loved reading this together. It's witty and the pictures are fun and I loved the way it relates to everyday family life! At least in our house. (Not counting the snoring mummy of course!)
Emily, 27 December 2014
I remember having this book read to is at nursery at "story time" and absolutly loved it. I read it to my 8 month old son for the first time last night and he loved it too, especially the noises the refrigerator and the owl makes :)
Jacob's mummy, 25 August 2014
i love this story and my baby boy loves all the different noises i make when we read it :)
mummywells, 04 August 2014
This was available for us to use at a bookstart related course, complete with a bear story sack, so we got to meet the bear family as we read!
Smpretty, 25 July 2014
My little girl loves this story. She makes all the sounds as we read it. Her favourite sound is the snuffle snuffle of the hedgehog! We have been sharing this story since she was a tiny baby! We love it!
Blanky Bear, 03 July 2014
This is one of my favourite books - I know all the words off by heart as it's a regular bedtime story in our house! It is a good 'joining in' book with all the different noises in the house. Poor old Mr Bear!
Jess08, 17 June 2014
I read this book to my son when he was only weeks old and loved it! Now he's 7 months he stares at the pictures and gurgles at the rhyme scheme. A lovely bed time story for any day of the week.
Mini Marshmallow Man, 10 May 2014
My little girl loves looking at the pictures in this book and the silly noises mommy makes to entertain her!
AmyAyeesha, 19 February 2014
This was the first story I chose to share with my little girl at just 1 month. I use to love this story as a child and I hope she will love it too. It is great as children can join in with the sounds and saying 'I can't stand THIS!'
Roo13, 21 January 2014
She loved the different sounds to the noise of the book.
Bookwormer, 21 December 2013
My little girl loves this book. She likes looking at the pictures and holding onto the pages as they are hard and easy for her to hold on to.
Sarah and Rebecca, 24 November 2013
This was my favourite book as a child. I loved it!
Beth, 10 October 2013
A timeless read. My Son has just as much enthusiasm whilst this story is being read as I had as a child.
TrinityNova, 09 October 2013
This is a wonderful book, my son love this book so much that some time he wants me to read it again and again.
Enzjes, 14 September 2013
My mum used to read this book to me and I enjoyed it than as much as my son does now!
CharlieSchuck, 04 September 2013
My 8 month old enjoyed the repetitive wording "peace at last" he smiled every time I said it throughout the book!
ElijahOakley, 23 August 2013
My daughter loves it when I make noises, she also likes to look at the pictures, especially when daddy bear is outside. A book that is asked for again and again.
Kte, 31 July 2013
Everything a classic children's story should be. We love this book and author.
Kirstyjane8, 19 June 2013
We read this book before bedtime. We sometimes pretend that daddy bear is my daughters daddy!
Best mummy, 24 May 2013
My 11 month old has this as her night time read without fail! So much so I can actually read it off by heart! A lovely book with colourful pictures!
Jayneyd83, 21 May 2013
A lovely book that reminded me of my childhood.
Hannah&Sam, 17 May 2013
We read this book on holiday, Oliver loves the different sounds we make for the noise that keep Mr. Bear awake!
OJlovesbooks, 10 April 2013
I had this book read to me as a child and loved it. Now my son asks for it most nights. It calms him down ready for bed and he likes to point at the pictures.
IsaacJohn, 03 April 2013
We got this book in a bundle of books when my son was very little. We often read this story together and my son really seems to enjoy it. He particularly enjoys it when I make lots of silly noises. He's particularly taken with mama bears snoring!
Ness, 28 March 2013
very good book
chal, 26 March 2013
My daughter loved this book as much as I did when I was younger. It was nice to share something we both loved.
EmmaHolly, 23 March 2013
read this book to my little girl for the first time yesterday and she loved making the noises and joining in. really good book .
roxy03, 16 March 2013
I loved this book as a child and have been reading this to my son since he was a baby at bedtime and we really enjoy it
harryjack, 04 March 2013
Reading this book to my son brings back fond memories from my childhood, however I can only read it to him whrn he's very tired, as the paper pages get runied othereise as he's only 11 months. A lovely book but definately one for older children.
billynmattsmam, 22 January 2013
Fraser loves this story, he joins in with all the sounds. A lovely read. He calls the baby bear 'Fraser bear'. Too cute!
Fraser, 21 January 2013
I remember this story well from my childhood so when my son had this in his bookstart pack we were delighted x a favourite with all of my children
mummy950, 17 January 2013
My son enjoys this, both having it read to him, and using it as a missile
suedo, 19 December 2012
my 10 month old loves this book. Her nanny brought it for her and she love it when you act out all the noise an she likes to watch your face as you do it too. She loves looking at the pictures and has started pointing to different things on the page.
oriah-mummy, 18 December 2012
when i was a child i used to read this story every night and every time i got a story read to me i would choose peace at last. i know all the words to the whole story and still now i will somtimes read it even though im 10 years older .i wish there was a movie of the book and i hope every child or adult in their life will get the chance to read this book!!!
verity, 16 December 2012
Lovely book addressing grown up issues in a child friendly way.
Mascarenhasjones, 24 November 2012
My daughter enjoyed this book as she loved listening to the different noises Mr bear could hear at night. it is 1 of her favourite bed time books she will ask me to read to her.
kianat, 31 October 2012
My daughter and I love this book - even though she is only 5 weeks old we have shared this book as part of her bedtime routine.
BabySmurfette, 17 October 2012
Lovely book, I have fond memories of reading it as a child and now with my little boy!
laurastatham, 16 October 2012
Great book. Haven't read it to my 4 month old yet but I read it a lot to the 2-4 yr olds in the nursery I work in :)
MummyBearO'Neill, 27 September 2012
have been reading this to daughter since birth she is 3 now and still loves it and is also enjoyed by her new baby sister. wonderful read for bed time, it was a part of bed time routine for a very long time.
mamma bear, 02 August 2012
is a good book
Maria, 25 July 2012
I read this book at school, and I really liked it. I have it at home, too. It was really funny how the daddy couldn't get to sleep. it was especially funny when the sun came up and he was still awake. - William, age 5
3Boys, 07 July 2012
I remember reading this book as a child so wanted to get it for my daughter she loves this story.
Mummy bear02, 21 June 2012
I had this book as my sister (now 30) had it as a child. My two year old loves it and is a bedtime story at least once a week. She loves it, even stopping drinking her milk to join in with 'i can't stand this'. HIghly recommended
JLod, 12 June 2012
Real winner for my 15 month old twins. Ewan likes it when I make the appropriate noises, particularly baby bear's aeroplane!
Mum key, 09 June 2012
A brilliant bed time story, a joy to read.
Sophies mummy, 08 June 2012
I liked it when Mr Bear slept in the car, because it was noisy and he couldn't get to sleep, and he heard all the night time sounds. I liked making the sounds - owls, drip drop from the tap, tick tock from the clock, Mrs Bear's snoring.
Maria, 29 May 2012
This book was read at the first story time I took my 4-month-old to. I was chuckling to myself as a child and thinking it was really funny and it put a smile on my face that day too.
Tyler's Mummy, 17 May 2012
I loved this book as a child and my toddler also loves the noises great bedtime book
Enigmaa, 25 April 2012
Both of my little girls love this book and will for many years to come, its a fantastic book for helping them wind down before bed
lily and brooke :), 07 February 2012
I loved this book as a child and i still love it now, it's really exciting now because i get to share my love for this book with my own daughter :)
niclola, 31 January 2012
love this book it is fantastic
deepfiver, 05 December 2011
Used as a "potty training" story and a bedtime story. Lovely pictures and great 'home' settings.
mrsmuzi, 25 November 2011
This is a brilliant book, both my son and I love it. He giggles everytime Mr Bear says 'ohh no, I can't stand this!' and even joins in on some of the sounds. Definitely recommend!
laurievc, 21 November 2011
My son is 18 now and i still know this book of by heart i must get it again fr my little girl
cherylholling, 21 October 2011
i loved this book as a child and now my 20 mth old does too - a classic
Sophie, 12 October 2011
We love this book - he seems genuinely concerned for daddy bear when i read it. it's a real pleasure.
mummylion, 29 September 2011
given us by friends who are twelve and eight who still liked the book. its a brilliant book my daughter always looks forward to the noises . and so do i.
Alicia, 22 September 2011
I bought this book for jj as it is one of my own childhood favourites..he loved this book,my photo i uploaded is of him "reading" the book at 13 weeks old :)
jason2011, 22 September 2011
A lovely story my daughter loved it and have read it three times in one day.
hunny, 02 September 2011
Lovely book
Kuzey, 28 August 2011
Lovely book to share together at bedtime! We have read this to our little ones since they were babies and it is still a firm favourite
Wendylou2, 26 August 2011
We read this book every night before bed without fail and probably 5 or 6 times during the day. Matt loves the repeating words and pictures. It's a must!!!
Matty Bear, 15 August 2011
Lovely book.My daughter loves hearing the different noises in it.
sd, 20 June 2011
A great book for making noises too and for bedtime reading. My little boy loves it
joseph, 15 June 2011
Lovely book this one, I was read this book as a child and now i can't wait to read it to my daughter.
Christine, 08 February 2011
Lovely book this one, I was read this book as a child and now i can't wait to read it to my daughter.
Christine, 08 February 2011
Very good story.