6 books with a mental health theme 03/02/25
Publisher: Barrington Stoke
In an eerie futuristic world, society has figured out a way to bring people back from the dead, provided they have the right blood type. However the ‘Returned’ as they are officially known look different – with their white hair, translucent skin and pale eyes. They are alienated and despised by much of society. At school, the ‘pales’ are bullied, beaten up and ostracized. So what happens when one of the bullies becomes a ‘pale’ himself?
This is a gripping and hard-hitting fantasy, hugely accessible and with much to say about the way we treat others.
Favourite dystopian books
Teens just love a good dystopia, don't they?! Discover an array of dystopian worlds in our recommended booklist.
Dyslexia-friendly books
This list aims to provide a range of books that may appeal to young people, aged 7+, with reading difficulties.
What you thought...
Average rating:
bobsoon, 25 January 2021
in my opinion i like this book because it is intersting.
Aisha, 10 May 2017
Pale is a book about 3 school kids Sadie, Kyle and Jed. Sadie and Jed were a couple and Kyle and Jed were best friends they didn’t seem to like pales very much and they made that very clear. Pales are people brought back from the dead using the Lazarus serum. The Lazarus serum is a drug that can be used only if you have the right blood type and used immediately after you die. The only problem is you come back white head to toe, literally, your eyes are white your hairs white not a si...
J, 22 March 2017
Pale is a book about treating people the way you would like to be treated, and what you look like doesn’t matter in friendships. The main character Jed becomes a pale. As a human he beat Pales up. He learns that sometimes things happen for a reason. And learns to live without his stubborn friends and to live with his new family the group of Pales.
Bob, 22 March 2017
The book pale is a short book by Chris wooding. I loved this book as it shared a story line saying that people will be different and no matter what they will be like you in other ways it also gave out a lesson to Learn saying treat others how you want to be treated otherwise you might get the negative attitude back in a different situation! This book is about a boy called Jed who has everything you could wish for he is popular he has a best mate and a beautiful girlfriend called Sadie. Jed...
Jared, 30 October 2016
The book pale, in my opinion, is probably the best book in the world. Pale is by an amazing Author called Chris Wooding. The Lazarus Serum brings you back from the dead; once you are alive again you are different. You are a pale. When you are a pale, you cannot die again, which for some people is a very good thing however when you come back you are Pale, literally, you are completely different, you have no colour in your skin except white. You get bullied. Your life is a misery. It is a gr...
Isaac, 22 June 2016
In the book ‘Pale’ there is a drug called the Lazarus Serum, which is used for bringing people back to life. However, it can only work if your death wasn’t that bad and you have to have the right blood type. I don’t usually enjoy reading at all, but I really enjoyed reading this book “PALE”. In this book there was a lot of tension in the beginning when the two main characters beat up a Pale. A Pale is somebody who has been brought back from the dead usin...
Shayda, 11 March 2016
I got this bookbuzz book from my school. I just love it, I can't put it down and I would recommend it to anyone that likes horror, Fantasy, Mystery e.t.c sort of books. I think it is for about 8/10 and over, but I think that anybody could read it! If you are looking for something short, snappy and mysterious, then get this book'PALE'!
Dania, 12 February 2016
I enjoyed this book very much. I found it interesting with a lesson to learn about been different, sticking together and how mite someone treat you because of that. Someone you know forever can turn on you in a minute, it makes you stop and think of the world we are living in now, how is it any different to this book. I don't think there is any difference. Revenge is not always a good thing and I was very please that Jed didn't turn Sadie into a pale and in the end accepted he was one.
Donte, 09 February 2016
This book is scary, gripping and sad. It is easy to read and it is probably for ages 10 and up.
hadawaka, 02 February 2016
It was awesome I was given it by my friend Emilia and just a suggestion could you possibly write a seacule to the book . I amongst other people have many questions.
Olivia, 30 January 2016
This book is amazing and really brings a moral
Grace, 28 January 2016
There were ups and downs in this book but by that I mean adventure and not points that are so appalling that I want to throw up in front of myself.
Daisy, 27 January 2016
I think Pale is an cool book. The story line is amazing and sounds almost real! I wish it was a true story. It is full of adventure and a bit of horror. If you like that sort of stuff then pick this book! it is amazing!
Sumaya, 27 January 2016
I like this book because it is very interesting, I can't put it down because it really grabs my attention I love interesting, scary, emotional and cool stories and this is whats in this book. a special jab called lazurus surum is invented, by using this you become a pale! but if one big accident happens and you die, you could come back to life, however only if you have the right blood type. I love this book because I never want to put it down, it feels like im in the book and I can picture...
charlotte, 26 January 2016
I think the book Pale is 3 words emotional, hard hitting and mysterious it is a book that I don't want to end and want to read it forever and ever it is so catchy
Shannon-anne, 12 January 2016
31/12/2015 Pale – book review Pale, the book, is set in a distant future where scientists have discovered a new formula named Lazarus Serum! In this science fiction, people have the ability to come back from the dead, using Lazarus Serum. The disadvantage is that you turn into a Pale, covered in the colour white from head to toe forever. This book is written by Chris Wooding. The story focuses on a young boy named Jed and shows his viewpoint on Pales. Like, the rest of society he des...
Julia, 08 January 2016
I like this book because its adventurous and funny but also sad and this book makes you feel like your there.
HARVEY, 08 January 2016
DANI-EI, 08 January 2016
I think that Pale is a spine chilling book and is very scary. The book is about a young boy named Jed who hates Pales because they get to live life again and him and his friends think that it is selfish, but Jed has the right blood type to be a Pale and and would rather die then become one. but one day Jed is going to a movie with his girlfriend but suddenly he is hit by a car.
AB, 08 January 2016
It is a good book 150%.
dAnIeL, 08 January 2016
Introduction: I liked this book because it had a lot of drama in it and it was very interesting. What I don't like is that the book is a bit too short. Synopsis: The person that bullied the Pales became a Pale himself. Description: It was a good book because it was really interesting but it was bad because the book was too short. Evaluation I would recommend this book to people aged 11-13 because I don't think its suitable for people younger than that age and people over that age. Thank yo...
Yasin, 07 January 2016
best book in the world. I think the book was very good because it was very easy to get involved.
harry, 05 January 2016
This book completely touched my heart and i think everyone should have the chance to read it. It told me the story of love, hatred, sadness and revenge.
Immy, 19 December 2015
This book was amazing it has never been i book that i have seen before
Bob, 16 December 2015
I read the first 10 pages and i think this is an amazing book
Ray, 15 December 2015
adyn, 14 December 2015
It may be a short book but it is very extremely good. It is sad at parts and very touching. This book teaches a valuable lesson about a kind of racism.
Isaac, 14 December 2015
'Pale' was quite an interesting book. It focuses on themes of friendship and love and bullying. It's quite a short book and I think that it ends quite abruptly. I recommend this book for people who like stories with a twist. The age group that I would recommend this book for would be from the ages 10-12.
Katie, 14 December 2015
It was good but it needed to be longer because it ended quite abruptly and could have easily carried on with the story. The storyline was creative and exiting, this is why I liked it! It also explored why not to be a bully, it did this by showing that if you are a bully things can come right back at you and you can get bullied yourself.
Max, 14 December 2015
the book is scary and makes me think of how people are always being mistreated because of the way they are
AB, 11 December 2015
The book is a very exciting read with lots of action and a thrilling story. I like when he comes back as a pale when he gets hit by a car. I think that Chris Wooding is a great author after I read this book and will read some more of his collection of books.
Evan, 10 December 2015
This book is the best
pop, 05 December 2015
its a very amazing book im am enjoying reading it with my english class in oldfield
FREYA, 05 December 2015
i think that this book was very fun but can get a bit boring some times
leah, 01 December 2015
I think Pale was one of the favourite books I've ever read. Its small, easy to read and very interesting. I like this book because it is trying to tell you, don't judge someone on how they look. I love how it is written and thank you to Chris Wooding for writing it. How it is set out and all the description it gives is amazing and this book will easily help me when ever I try to write my own stories.
Kailun, 01 December 2015
I chose this book because when I read the first chapter I wanted to carry on reading. I like the book because it is very different from other books I have read. For instance people can come back to life. It is a short story which keeps you interested to the end..
Usman, 01 December 2015
I chose my bookbuzz book because people die and when they do families and friends get upset about it and in this book it shows what will happen if they give the dead person the drug created so it won't make people really sad when someone dies.
Kintan, 19 November 2015
I recommend this book to people who enjoy mystery and quite emotional books. This book is about a boy called Jed and the one thing he does not want to turn out as is a pale. If you are known as a pale you are an outcast. However, one day Jed gets hit by a car and his worst nightmare is at risk of coming true...
Nia, 12 November 2015
The book had lots of mysterious moments and scary bits. The bits that I didn't like, are when the story ended and didn't give an explanation on what happens at the end. I would recommend this book to people who like twists to stories, and surprises at the end of them.
Sinmi, 12 November 2015
the boy was wasting the teachers time and being rude to him so he send him to other school that the teachers didn't like him to so ended up in the same school that he was in before
Alisha, 12 November 2015
The boy is being picked on because they don't like the boy and they think that he is a waste of the teacher's time because he is wasting his time which means he don't like him because he has white hair, eyes, ears, mouth and nose
Alisha, 12 November 2015
This book was very interesting because i like horror books so this book was perfect.i really recommend this book because it had a lot of tense in it so some parts were really interesting and others were a bit more calmer
Ellie, 12 November 2015
It was a very good book. Great at the setting the scene. The book made me want to turn the next page . The book had a lot of twists and turns , it was nice to have a bit of a romance going because that made the story a lot more interesting. I thought Chris Wooding portrayed the characters well like Kyle was very much a bully to all the pales he wouldn't be my friend because he stole jedds girlfriend. .
Harry, 11 November 2015
When I read Pale, I was pulled into and world of the living dead and pay back. I found the book quite funny and a joy to read at home and tell my friends. The main event was when Jed was ran over by a car and his girlfriend said that he would want to come back a Pale, I thought that she was stupid to say that, especially because she knows Jed hates Pale. My favorite part of the story was when Jed's girlfriend died in the fire and Jed and his friends left, not even trying to save her. It wa...
Venus, 11 November 2015
This book is about a boy named after Jed. Jed is an ordinary school boy who does not get into much havoc. But the one thing he can not possibly detract from his mind is the hatred that he shared with practically the whole world for pales! Even the word made him shiver. What made people pales? Well what made people pales was this lauraz serum that apparently brought people back to eternity so if you died you had to have a certain blood trace to certain blood trace to come back to earth as a...
Joanna, 11 November 2015
"Pale" is a book about acceptance and death (lost), love and hate. i really enjoyed this book because it makes you think of bullying and how it could rub off on you; turn you into something horrid. There are " outcasts",who are pales, which are looked down upon not only at home but at school where the biggest baddest bullies are there waiting for them . but when one of the bullies get ran over by a car his whole life changes he's A PALE!! i would recommend this book to people who want to w...
Trenyce, 11 November 2015
Pale is a book that will grab your attention from the first word till the last . The story is about a boy called Jed and his friends who hate people called Pales .In their eyes Pales are freaks; they don't belong in this world. When Jed got in a car accident walking to the movies with his girlfriend, all hope for his survival was lost .His girlfriend, unable to bear the thought of him being gone injects him with the Lazarus Serum, turning him into a Pale, a freak. A pale is a person who ha...
Anisa, 06 November 2015
Pale is an amazing book . That could possibly be the future . It shows how Jed has changed . Changed into an outcast(the pales)it shows every child who reads the book shall now know how bullying feels like as we read and get to know Jed more . It is the best book I've ever read .
Enoch, 16 October 2015
this book was fun, but i sped past it so fast. the plot was clever, but it was WAY too short. i would recommend this book to light readers. it would be awesome if this book was longer, it only has 60 pages.
Aitzaz, 14 October 2015
AAARRGGHH! YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK! sorry caps lock was on.. I want to read it so badly!! gunna buy it off amazon..#brb
Yasmeenah, 13 October 2015
I Love this book please read it its amazing!
Angel, 13 October 2015
I think this book is interesting and i would like to read more of this book. I hope i can get this book because it sounds very creative. I think adults and teenagers would like this book
Oliver, 13 October 2015
A drug has been invented called the lazurus serum whih brings you back from the dead. A boy named Jed likes to bully pales(people whom have used the serum to come back from the dead). This is a gripping book which you can't put down after you have read the firs page. I would recomend this book to anyone who likes action books.
Anonymous, 13 October 2015
This book looks really interesting and creative. I find the main character to be very relatable and human. I am really excited to read this book and I hope it is as good as it sounds.
harrison, 13 October 2015
I think that this book looks really exciting because at the very beginning the storyline is really gripping as there is a fight straight away. This is different to other books as it takes a while to get in to it.
Evie, 13 October 2015
this book is a amazing book to read it makes me nervous but in a good way i love how they describe the characters and the build up BRILLANT
chloe, 08 October 2015
I thought the book Pale by Chris Wooding had a cleaver story line with lots of twists that I wasn't expeting. The only downside was that it was really shrot i would of have loved it to be longer
Harry, 08 October 2015
The book is amazing and well thought through.It is scary that's why I like it.
Matthew, 07 October 2015
I really enjoyed reading this book its about a boy named jed he picks on pales but one fateful day he gets hit by a car.They use the lazarus serum to bring him back to life,but he doesnt want that... I recommend this book to evryone who likes thrillers and action!
Zain, 05 October 2015
This book looks and sounds good. I like these sort of books. I would like to share this book with my class.
sumaya, 03 October 2015
I have no rating because this is a book that I would love to read. I am really interested in this book it sounds real good and I am sure to have my nose in this book!!
chloe, 30 September 2015
A brilliant book that when you start reading it you cannot stop reading it. An incredible book.
pale, 23 September 2015
A gripping story that hooks the reader in from the very first word. It's a fantastic morale story
Anonymous, 23 September 2015
I haven't read this book yet but it looks good so I voted for this one.
aman, 17 September 2015
this book is about a boy who got ran over
shannon and shinade, 16 September 2015
A gripping, tense and haunting story set in the not too distant future which you will never forget and will be talking about for a long, long time after you have read it. Friendships are tested, broken and made and important themes of love, loyalty and social prejudices are explored in a thought provoking and original style. Everyone should read this!
Edward, 29 April 2015
it good =]