Oranges in No Man's Land
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Young children are the innocent victims of war and Ayesha is no exception. With her father abroad looking for work and her mother killed in a rocket attack, Ayesha and her young brothers find themselves refugees in a bombed out flat in Beirut with only an elderly grandmother to care for them.
When their Grandmother becomes seriously ill, Ayesha quickly realises that no-one else will take responsibility and she undertakes a perilous journey across no man's land to enemy-held territory in search of a doctor and vital medicines.
Drawing on personal experience, Elizabeth Laird looks at how daily life continues in the midst of violent conflict and paints a vivid and disturbing picture of a city devastated by civil war and the effects on just some of those caught up in it.
Books about refugees and asylum seekers (older children)
Since asylum can be a confusing issue for children (and even adults), here are some books that explore what it really means to flee your home and have to start your life over.
What you thought...
Average rating:
matty armstrong, 15 March 2023
Avneet, 08 February 2023
This is absolutely AMAZING 👏 😍
Yokin, 03 December 2021
I loved this book so much it is amazing and you can never loose interest! Once I started the book I just couldn't finish it!!! I totally recommend it to everyone and rate this book 5 stars! Thank you Elizabeth Laird Xxx
Lucy, 07 July 2021
awesome imagery
sophie, 10 June 2021
I thought the book was great I love it. It made me realise that just because there is no war were you are dose not mean it's not happening somewhere else in the world
jimmy, 26 February 2021
It was a really good book and the best one i have read yet!
Emily, 11 January 2021
Very bad
Quique, 30 November 2020
I like the book.
Sarah, 04 November 2020
jane, 15 March 2020
I loved this book. We read it in class and we just finished reading it, some weeks ago. You should really read this, if you haven't. This book made me feel many emotions, like sadness, frustration(not about how bad it is, but the struggles her family faced), friendship, love, etc. I almost cried at the end, it had a kind of sad but happy ending.
Joy, 26 November 2019
This is one one the worst books i have ever read, its so boring it was almost painful reading it
Stephen, 05 January 2019
This book is amazing. You are such a talented writer. I read this in school and enjoyed it. I'm writing a character study. I'm doing it on Ayesha because she would be the one who had to look after her brother's if her granny died. She crossed the green line and through no man's land where she finds the doctor and gets home with the medicine. The finds them father gets home and they live a happily ever after.
Danielle, 06 February 2017
Very nice, did not like the aggression though👍🏻
Confidential, 24 January 2017
I loved the book
Hello, 19 May 2016
I think the book so far is really inspiring and fun to read, great describing words that make me feel like I am really there! What a terrible condition Ayesha lives in, going across no mans land is life threatening! I've only read up to chapter 15 in my class. So great so far, can't wait to maybe read another one of YOUR books!
Han, 11 May 2016
I loved this book because every chapter has something daring and a dilemma in it. This makes me want to read on. I could really see what Ayesha was going through and could imagine it all.
Mary, 15 December 2015
This a really good message about the war in Beirut
Alice, 02 December 2015
I really like this book. I will definitely read it again. I like how oranges came into the story. This is my favourite book.
......., 01 December 2015
Very good book read it in school well done elizabeth keep writing books
Dave, 07 March 2015
really enjoyable
ayesha, 23 February 2015
Dear Elizabeth Your book Oranges in No Man’s Land was amazing. It was really emotional and I would love to read more of your books. I really loved how you described the torn up flat and the blown up shells. My favourite character was Ayesha because she crossed the green line and she was noble. George
George, 27 January 2015
Dear Elizabeth, Your book is AMAZING!! I love how you use so many adverbs and adjectives. How does it feel to be a child in a war? My favourite characters was Ayesha and Samar, because Ayesha was very brave crossing the green line and she is smart thinking of portending to be deaf so they didn’t catch her, Samar is very brave to delay with her deafness. Dr Leila’s Auntie was very nasty!! I can’t believe that she called her scam. I liked how you did somethin...
lexi, 26 January 2015
DEAR ELIZABETH LAIRD Hi I am Tegan . I loved your story and my favourite character was Ayesha. My favourite part was when Ayesha when’t through the green line and diddent get killed . I was surprised by how it was set up . it had lots of detail and characters and it was very interesting and detailed a lot . I would like to see some more of your books because your AMAZING AT WRITING !. yours sincerely tegan
Tegan, 26 January 2015
its good for understanding what its really like in war