One Mole Digging a Hole
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
In this vibrant counting book, one mole digging a hole is soon joined by a troupe of gardening friends, including nine doves in gardening gloves and ten bees pruning trees.
With its vivacious colour palette and funny rhymes, this book is sure to capture your child's attention time and time again - perfect for sharing together during long summer days.
So grab your wellies and join in the garden party… and when you've finished counting join everyone enjoying the sun!
Counting books are the perfect way to help with your child's early learning.
Julia Donaldson Books
Best known for The Gruffalo, Julia Donaldson has written over 120 books and plays for children and teenagers, including some of the UK's best-selling picture books.
Counting books
1, 2, 3... it's time to get counting! It's never too early to start learning about numbers, and books are a great way to make that fun.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Sharon1, 21 October 2016
Both my sons loved this book, the rhyming scheme and the illustrations are brilliant and inspire further conversations.
BooRiley, 06 March 2015
Callum loves to count using this book
mcn28, 14 March 2014
Colourful illustrations and a book that is soon learnt by heart.
TrinityNova, 09 October 2013
One of my sons favourites
anjelprincess, 11 July 2013
My son loves this book, as he loves his numbers! He also really enjoys pointing all the different animals and items on the last page.
clairetattin, 09 May 2013
My baby liked the bright colours in this book.
Al, 26 April 2013
Great rhymes and fantastic pictures. A real favourite of ours. We love looking out for each of the animals and count each one.
Ness, 17 April 2013
My little girl loves reading this and loves counting as she goes along, the pictures are big enough for her to count along too.
Millie moo's mummy, 13 April 2013
Good book to teach numbers. my son loves to count number of butterflies round the corner.
RashuRuchir, 27 March 2013
Anton has loved this book since he was about 10 months old. As well as helping with counting it is good for introducing the concept of where food comes from. The rhymes are also great fun.
Anne , 06 March 2013
Great book for teaching toddlers to count and recognise numbers.
ClaireyC, 27 February 2013
My 3-year-old son enjoys the counting element and identifying all the different animals on the last page!