
Publisher: Puffin

Zelda is 11 years-old and living with her grandfather, Felix, in small-town Australia, while her doctor parents save lives in Africa.

Felix was last seen in Once and Then as a ten-year-old boy in Nazi occupied Poland.  Although he is now 80 and a distinguished surgeon, Felix is still just as quirky and compassionate as his younger self.

Zelda is named after her grandfather’s friend, who was murdered by the Nazis when she was six, and she wishes she has her namesake’s courage. Zelda is being bullied in her new school and missing her parents terribly but gains strength from her grandfather as she learns something of the horrors of his childhood. In turn, with help from Zelda, Felix learns how to come to terms with his past.

A beautifully written book, full of hope, love and sorrow; it provides an apt ending to this unforgettable trilogy.

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