My Body: Ladybird Magic Windows

Publisher: Ladybird

This interactive board book leads children through the years with their body and everything it needs every day to do incredible things. Tug at each window and you will watch the scene change, from a baby growing up to a child to an apple being eaten to its core.

Upbeat text reinforces a body positive message, which is a lovely thing for this younger age group – the book begins by declaring ‘My body is amazing’, and then gently guides readers to understand that food is fuel to keep us happy and healthy and sleep is important so we have enough energy for adventures!

My Body is a lovely reminder of our daily routines and why our bodies are so brilliant. There’s a diverse range of children and families shown (including a girl in a wheelchair) to reflect that these bodies come in all shapes and sizes and not everyone looks the same.

Although designed for children from two years, younger children will also enjoy the book, but the tabs are a bit more stiff for this age group so they may need a little extra help to pull them. The bonus, however, is that the book feels very robust and toddler-proofed!

The illustrations by Libby Burns are gorgeous and she has crammed so much into the pages. There is lots to point at and identify, from the secret ladybird on every page to household and bodily objects, such as cats, noses and bananas.

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