Movies Showing Nowhere

Publisher: Pushkin Children's Books

At the precise moment Cate was born, her mother died, leaving Cate with an overwhelming sense of sadness and guilt.

12 years on, Cate feels more alone than ever: she has no friends and her dad, Harold, barely communicates, as he is locked in his own sorrowful world of grief.

Everything changes when a mysterious stranger, Mrs Kano, gives Harold a business card, advertising a cinema which claims to show films you won't find anywhere else but have always wanted to see. Harold shows no interest, but Cate is intrigued, so she goes to investigate and is transported to a world beyond her wildest dreams.

Mrs Kano's cinema is truly unique, as it enables viewers to dive into their memories and revisit lost moments from the past. Cate knows exactly which part of her history she'd like to visit, but is she brave enough to come face-to-face with the one person she's desperate to meet: her mother?

Moving, thought-provoking and wonderfully imaginative, this clever time-travel adventure has been skilfully translated from the award-winning Dutch original.

The complex relationship between Cate and her father is beautifully explored, along with the nature of grief, guilt and loneliness.

Ar yr un eiliad y ganwyd Cate, bu farw ei mam, gan ei gadael â theimlad aruthrol o dristwch ac euogrwydd. 12 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mae Cate a’i thad yn teimlo fwy ar eu pennau eu hunain nag erioed, ond mae popeth yn newid pan fo’n darganfod sinema sy’n galluogi ei wylwyr i ailadrodd atgofion coll. Mae Cate yn cofio’n union pa eiliadau yr hoffai eu hailymweld, ond a yw hi’n ddigon dewr i wyneb ei gorffennol?

Mae’r antur teithio mewn amser glyfar, deimladwy, llawn dychymyg ac sy’n peri i rywun feddwl hon yn archwilio natur galar, euogrwydd ac unigrwydd drwy’r berthynas gymhleth rhwng Cate a’i thad.

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