Meet the Maliks, Twin Detectives: The Cookie Culprit

Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books

Maysa and Musa are twins but they’re total opposites. Things always seem to happen to Maysa and she often gets in trouble, whereas Musa is calm and unflappable. Even when fasting for Ramadan! But when the cookies they’ve made for a competition at their mosque are destroyed, the twins team up to find the culprit. Meanwhile, a small lie Maysa told at school is spiralling out of control – and her dad is affected. What can she do to put things right?

This is the first in another funny series for developing readers from the author of Planet Omar. Once again, Zanib Mian engagingly portrays an everyday family with wit and empathy. Short chapters and lots of brilliant illustrations by Kyan Cheng means it doesn’t feel offputtingly text-heavy. Young readers will find Maysa’s frustrations and moral dilemmas very relatable, and there are some laugh-out-loud moments to keep them turning the pages. Fans of Planet Omar will also enjoy this series.


Mae Maysa a Musa yn efeilliaid ond maen nhw’n hollol groes i’w gilydd. Mae Maysa yn aml mewn trafferth, ond mae Musa yn dawel ac yn gall. Ond, pan fydd y bisgedi maen nhw wedi’u gwneud ar gyfer cystadleuaeth yn eu mosg yn cael eu difetha, rhaid i’r efeilliaid weithio gyda’i gilydd i ddod o hyd i’r troseddwr.

Dyma’r llyfr cyntaf mewn cyfres ddoniol arall gan awdur Planet Omar. Mae’r llyfr hwn yn portreadu bywyd teuluol gyda ffraethineb ac empathi, ac mae’r penodau byr a’r darluniau yn ei wneud yn hygyrch. Bydd darllenwyr ifanc yn gweld y cyfyng-gyngor moesol yn berthynol iddyn nhw ac mae eiliadau o chwerthin dros bob man i gynnal eu diddordeb.

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