
(6 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Templar

A baby penguin realises how small he is and on each page he compares himself to the world around him.

Other penguins move fast on the ice and dive deep into the ocean. The mountains are steep, the wind strong and the sky is high and stretches wide above him.

However, it doesn’t matter how small he is, he knows that he is the biggest thing in the world to the mummy (or daddy!) penguin who loves and takes care of him.

This is a delightful, rhyming picture book for parents to share with toddlers. The illustrations capture the Antarctic landscape; they are bold and clear in white, silver and various shades of blue and grey.

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Author: Emma Dodd

This is a warm book about unconditional love. A perfect book for encouraging children to do what they want with reassuring support.

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Author: Polly Dunbar

Polly Dunbar's illustrations are gorgeous and her palette stylish - from the endearing Ben's rosy cheeks to the magnificent turquoise lion who eats him up.

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