Maya’s Walk

Publisher: Oxford

Maya loves walking. There are so many different types of walk to enjoy: walks where she and her parent listen to the sounds around them: birds singing, people talking, dogs barking. Then there are walks where Maya can smell the different smells: the earthy goodness of soil, the perfume of flowers and a blade of grass rubbed in your hand.

There are walks where you can find the rainbow colours along the lovely coastal path: yellow for the sun, blue for the sea, violet for the flowers and orange for a passing boat. But, most of all, the best walks are when Maya and her parent are together.

This charming picture book is a lovely one to read together, boosting young children’s vocabulary for the natural world around them. It’s also a great guide for parents or carers, with ideas for things to talk about as you walk with young children: spotting colours and naming them, hopping over lines you can see or looking for high-up things are all helpful activities that can make a walk fun and educational – and not restricted to the countryside.

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