Lulu’s First Day

Publisher: Alanna Max

Lulu is very excited to be starting preschool – she’s already visited, so she knows what to expect, and she’s also picked out her outfit.

When she arrives at the start of the big day itself, Mum stays for a cup of tea while Lulu gets acclimatised. Lulu chooses what she wants to do. Does she want to play with the sand? Paint a picture? In the end, Lulu chooses to read a book with Julie in the special reading tent. It’s such a fun day, even when Mum leaves her in Miss Suzan’s kind and capable care. And at the end of the day, it’s time for a snack when Lulu gets home… And maybe a little nap under her favourite blanket.

The Lulu series is a fantastic one which follows a little girl through all the milestones and occupations of the early years: getting a pet, going swimming and going to the library, among many more. This time, starting nursery or school is the focus: the neutral use of “pre-school” means that it could apply to children in either scenario.

Lulu’s overall positive experience is a gentle read, and even though there’s a little anxiety when Mum leaves, Lulu has her favourite cuddly toy with her, which gives her comfort. 

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