Let’s Stick Together

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Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Squirrel and Bear are the best of friends, but sometimes they don’t see things in quite the same way. For instance, when Squirrel decides they should have a party, Bear is very into the idea until anxiety strikes and he starts to feel that perhaps it would be better for everyone if he just went to bed.

Yet, with some encouragement, Bear gets into the swing of things and forgets he was ever nervous about all the people and the noise. Squirrel, on the other hand, is full of beans until the party starts, but then feels that even though she has done all the hard work to get the party going, no-one has noticed her. In fact, she feels unexpectedly lonely, and goes to hide in a tree.

Thankfully, Bear is there to pull Squirrel out of the grumps and take her back to the party where they both have a super time. Sticking together is the key, after all!

This delightful rhyming story from Halls and Small is the latest in the I’m Sticking With You series and will be an instant favourite for anyone who has ever felt a little left out at a party.

Mae Squirrel a Bear yn ffrindiau gorau, ond weithiau dydyn nhw ddim yn gweld pethau yn yr un ffordd. Pan mae Squirrel yn penderfynu y dylen nhw gael parti, mae Bear yn teimlo'n bryderus ond yn mwynhau ei hun yn y pen draw; mae Squirrel yn frwd am barti i ddechrau, ond wedyn, a hynny'n annisgwyl, mae'n teimlo'n unig.

Diolch byth, mae Bear yno i wella hwyliau Squirrel ac yn mynd â hi yn ôl i'r parti lle mae'r ddau yn cael amser gwych.

Y stori odledig hon gan Halls a Small ydy'r ddiweddaraf yn y gyfres I'm Sticking With You ac fe fydd yn ffefryn diymdroi i unrhyw un sydd erioed wedi teimlo ychydig bach allan ohoni.

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I'm Sticking With You

Author: Smriti Halls Illustrator: Steve Small

Bear and Squirrel are best friends - but Squirrel feels like she needs a bit of space of her own. This adorable rhyming book about the ups and downs of friendship is pitched perfectly for 3-5 year olds who may be negotiating new friendships.

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