Jacky Daydream

(3 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Random House

Jacqueline Wilson's many fans already regard her as a star equal to the characters she writes about and this autobiography, covering her life up to the age of 11, gives them a rare insight into her own early experiences and influences.

Each chapter ends with a passage from one of the author's books, which has been directly influenced by her own childhood.

As the title suggests, Jacqueline was a dreamy, bookish child. Although she relates many cosy stories of life in post-war London, all was not rosy for young Jacky - as an only child she dealt with her parents' unhappy marriage alone.

Wilson's intimate, conversational style combined with a selection of childhood photographs and Nick Sharratt's familiar illustrations, makes this a delightfully satisfying read.

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