I’m Going to be a Princess

Publisher: Nosy Crow

On her way home from school, Maya announces to her Mum that she wants to be a princess when she grows up. While Mum thinks that’s a fun idea, she encourages her daughter to consider some other roles. Perhaps she could be a surgeon like Dr Alexa Canady or an award-winning ballerina like Misty Copeland? Mum also suggests becoming a vet, an athlete and even a rocket scientist, but Maya won’t budge, she’s determined to be a princess. Though, to Mum’s surprise, it’s not the usual fairy tale princess Maya has in mind. It’s a bold and brave Nigerian princess who has inspired this ambitious youngster.

This joyous picture book is a beautifully illustrated funny story which gets young readers thinking about what they would like to be when they grow up. It covers a range of careers and industries including performing arts healthcare and athletics, in a child-friendly, approachable way. The backmatter includes mini biographies of each of the inspirational real-life Black women mentioned in the book.

A witty and empowering celebration of the lives of amazing Black women, which includes an adorable surprise ending bound to leave readers with a huge smile on their face. 

Pan fo Maya yn cyhoeddi ei bod eisiau bod yn dywysoges, mae ei mam yn ei hannog i ystyried gyrfaoedd eraill – wedi’u harddangos gan straeon go iawn menywod duon hynod lwyddiannus. Mae Maya yn dal i fod yn benderfynol, ond, er synod i’w mam, nid y dywysoges “ramantus” ystrydebol sydd wedi ysbrydoli ei merch.

Mae’r llyfr lluniau gorfoleddus hwn yn stori ddoniol sydd wedi’i darlunio’n hyfryd. Mae’n cwmpasu amrywiaeth o yrfaoedd mewn ffordd sy’n ystyriol o blant ac yn ddathliad grymusol o fywydau menywod duon anhygoel. Mae’n cynnwys diweddglo annisgwyl sy’n sicr o adael darllenwyr â gwên ar eu hwynebau.

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