How to Look for a Lost Dog
Publisher: Usborne
Twelve-year-old Rose is fascinated by homophones/homonyms, rules and prime numbers. And life as a single-parented only child with high-functioning autism is not easy. School is difficult when she cannot control herself. Her father finds life in general - and his daughter in particular - hard.
When he brings home a stray dog, Rose at last has an unquestioning friend and confidant. But when her father unwittingly loses the dog when their town is flooded, she employs her methodical systems to trace it. Her unyielding logic then forces a decision - and a family meltdown.
Often heart-rending, Martin's narrative relentlessly echoes Rose's autistic traits as it reveals the depth of tragedy which has affected the family - but offers readers resolution in the final pages.
We believe that books are a great way to raise awareness and improve understanding of different experiences. This booklist aims to provide a range of children's and teens' books that feature characters who are autistic, or who have Autistic Spectrum Conditions.
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sarah, 25 January 2023
CAMI, 07 February 2017
i found a dog!