Grab that Rabbit!

Publisher: Pavilion

Hodge – a big white rabbit with a big black splodge – has been eating the carrots in Mrs Sprat’s garden, but gets stuck in the hedge. Mrs Sprat pulls him out by the bottom so Hodge is free – but unfortunately, a big buzzard flies past and catches Hodge, flying off with him!

Yet when the buzzard drops the weighty bunny, Mrs Sprat is tempted to have rabbit pie for dinner – until she realises it might be better to be friends.

Reminiscent of Peter Rabbit, this beautifully illustrated rhyming picture book is, ultimately, a tale of friendship. Briony May Smith’s rich illustrations evoke nature and Mrs Sprat’s garden is a joy to behold – and Hodge’s ending is a happier one than Peter’s being sent to bed without supper.

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