Publisher: Alison Green Books
A small, scruffy dog visits the park every day and looks longingly at the other dogs who all have people to take for walks.
He tries to join in with their games but the big people shoo him away and call him ‘fleabag’; except one little boy who spots him and becomes his friend. When the boy learns he is moving house and will have to leave Fleabag behind, one night he resolves to rescue him.
The dog realises that his friend should not be out in the dark alone and alerts his parents, endearing himself to the whole family in the process.
This touching tale of love and friendship is complemented by beautiful illustrations, which convey warmth without being saccharine.
Children's books about dogs
This list includes some classic reads, as well as newer books, all about different doggies. Perfect for children aged three and older.
What you thought...
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mrssmiffy, 10 October 2013
This is one of our favourite books, after reading it many times at bedtime. I still can't read it without a tear in my eye. It is such a lovely story about friendship and looking out for each other.