Flame Chasers

Publisher: Firefly

While on a mission to find the magical flamebird, Ember’s Pa goes missing. As a result, her life changes forever. When a new boat and its mother-son crew docks in her hometown, she finally gets the chance to fulfill her dream and search for her father. But the stakes get higher as Ember be-friends an injured flamebird that she must get back to her home before the last feathers falls off its back. What follows is a maritime adventure filled with whirlpools, storms and the mysterious Captain Flynn. Friendships are formed, lessons are learnt, wishes are made and some even come true! A magical book about the strength of family, friendship and never losing hope.

Tra ar fordaith i ddod o hyd i’r flamebird hudol mae tad Ember yn mynd ar goll. O ganlyniad, mae trywydd bywyd Ember yn newid am byth. Pan ddaw cwch newydd, gyda’i griw o fam a mab, i’r lan ger ei chartref mae Ember yn cael y cyfle i wireddu ei breuddwyd a mynd i chwilio am ei thad. Ond erbyn hyn mae mwy yn y fantol. Mae Ember wedi dod yn ffrindiau gyda flamebird sydd wedi’i hanafu ac mae’n rhaid cael yr aderyn yn ôl adref cyn iddi golli’r bluen olaf ar ei chefn. Beth sy’n dilyn yw antur yn llawn trobyllau, stormydd a’r Capten Flynn dirgel. Caiff sawl cyfeillgarwch eu creu, caiff gwersi eu dysgu a chaiff dymuniadau eu gwneud a daw rhai yn wir! Dyma lyfr hudol am rym teulu, cyfeillgarwch a pheidio â cholli gobaith.



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