Publisher: Bloomsbury
When Heather moves to Fablehouse children’s home she finds a safe haven and real friends for the first time in her life. As they roam the ancient woodlands together in 1950s Britain they meet Palamedes, a Black Knight from way back in time: King Arthur’s court. They find it particularly inspiring to meet a man who looks a bit like them as most of the children who live in Fablehouse are the babies of Black soldiers and white mums who met in the second world war and then their mums, for various reasons, couldn’t look after them anymore. Something very mysterious is going on beyond meeting a Knight from a mythical past, the other children and staff in the children’s home start behaving oddly as if they are possessed. It’s up to Heather and her best friends (nicknamed The Roamers) to defeat the powers of darkness living in the world beneath their feet, and save Fablehouse and all who call it home.
This is a wonderful book, full of hope and magic. Heather and her friends don’t feel special, they don’t feel like the ‘chosen ones’. But through the magic of friendship they grow strong – discovering maybe being chosen isn’t something you are but something you become. So this is a book about making your own destiny, being the architect of your own life and ultimately believing in yourself, a deeply inspiring message for all child readers. Readers also get an introduction to Arthurian legend and Heather and her friends are wonderful characters to get to know. A really unusual and fabulous adventure, and part 2 is promised so we’ll look out for that!
Pan mae Heather yn symud i gartref plant Fablehouse yn y 1950au, mae’n dod o hyd i hafan ddiogel a ffrindiau go iawn am y tro cyntaf yn ei bywyd.
Ond wrth i’r plant grwydro’r coetiroedd hynafol ger Fablehouse, maen nhw’n cyfarfod â Palamedes, Marchog Du o amser maith yn ôl: llys y Brenin Arthur.
Ar yr un pryd, mae’r staff a’r plant eraill yn y cartref plant yn dechrau ymddwyn yn rhyfedd, fel petaen nhw wedi’u meddiannu. Mae hi i fyny i Heather a’i ffrindiau drechu grymoedd y fall ac achub Fablehouse a phawb sy’n ei alw’n gartref. Llyfr campus sy’n llawn gobaith a hud.
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