Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Catherine Rayner, winner of the 2009 Kate Greenaway Medal, returns with Ernest, the story of a rather large moose.
Ernest is so big that he can’t even squeeze inside the book, that is until his little chipmunk friend forms an ingenious plan and with a bit of extra paper and some sticky tape, together they find a way to make him fit inside the pages.
Ernest’s huge, friendly face fills up the spreads of this gorgeously illustrated book. The collage techniques and different sizes of text are appealing, and the fold-out page at the very end makes this tale of teamwork and a big idea, truly special.
Books about animals for toddlers
These books are perfect for entertaining toddlers and younger children that love animals, with everything from hilariously silly stories to early learning tales.
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BD_fish, 27 April 2012
A very lovely book and I like the ending. The pictures are great