Dial A Ghost

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Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books

Fulton Snodde-Brittle has gone to the Dial A Ghost agency with a fiendish plan - he wants to hire some terrifying ghosts to scare his 10-year-old nephew Oliver to death.

The job goes to Sir Belham and Lady Sabrina de Bone, the most violent, gory and horrifying spectres the agency can offer - but then an unexpected mix-up means that the friendly Wilkinson ghosts are sent in their place, with hilarious consequences. Now Oliver has some spooky friends to help him outwit the nasty Snodde-Brittles and thwart Uncle Fulton's schemes.

This is another wonderfully entertaining fantasy tale from classic children's author Eva Ibbotson, which is certain to delight fans of her other funny favourites such as Which Witch? A perfectly-balanced blend of spooky suspense, excitement and comedy, it is a warm-hearted adventure tale which children will love.

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