Dear Zoo
Publisher: Macmillan (Campbell Books)
This appealing story, in lift-the-flap, board-book format has been a favourite with toddlers ever since it was first published in 1982.
As you lift the flaps in search of an ideal pet, a host of different zoo animals will be revealed, until the right pet is finally discovered. Simple, stylish and highly interactive, this book invites constant re-reading. The sturdy flaps are perfect for small fingers to lift, and children will still love this book when they are ready to start school.
Sometimes nothing beats a classic. Here'es a list of classic books to share with your toddler or younger child, some of which you may have enjoyed when you were little.
Baby's First Books
It's never too soon to start enjoying books and reading - and these engaging baby books are the perfect places to start.
Bookstart Toddler: more great books for 1-2s
Just a few books to read with your toddler aged 1 to 2 carefully selected from our Bookstart programme.
Best Books for 0-5 years
Take a look at our pick of the best books for 0-5 year olds from the last 100 years.
Books to promote speech and language development
We've chosen books which use rhyme, repeated refrains, interactivity, humour and everyday vocabulary to introduce children to language in a fun way.
Books featuring letters or diaries
A list of books which feature letters or diaries for mixed primary ages.
100 best children's books from the past 100 years: The full list
Explore our list of what we think are the 100 best books for children from the last 100 years.
What you thought...
Average rating:
jeniffer , 27 January 2022
We started with this book early on to introduce animals, their noises and lifting the flaps/turning pages. Enjoyed by all and now the pictures are read by 2.5 year old on her own.
B B, 13 May 2017
This is a fun book for my daughter to lift up the flaps and see what's beneath.
Mummybear86, 03 May 2017
Another favourite! This was my sons first book. He will be 3 in August and he still reads it. Learnt different animals and the noises they make. Loves the different textures and the flappy bits.
Riley, 02 May 2017
This is a classic book. We love reading this together!
Lucy & Milo, 27 April 2017
Lovely colourful pictures with a range of animals. The kiddies love finding the animals and joining in with the noises.
Long stockings, 24 April 2017
We like turning the flaps and making the animal noises. I recommend this book.
Milena2001, 21 April 2017
We adore this book! Animal noises are fun and we love the grumpy camel!
N_H_16116, 09 April 2017
We read at bedtime, Shelby loves this book, with the hiding animals, very excited to find each one.
ShelbyGrace, 07 April 2017
Frankie loves this book, she was smiling the whole time!
Frankie2017, 29 March 2017
We bought for our son at 8 months. The book helped him to learn about animals and skills like to open and close through flaps.
Bush, 24 March 2017
Very simple, but enjoyable.
Lizurek, 28 February 2017
We brought this with us on my son's first plane trip. It was the first time I gave it to him and he loved opening all the flaps and pointing at the animals. Mum and Dad made the appropriate animal noises and that kept him enterrtained for most of the flight. No need for an ipad! His current favourite page is the lion for which he now makes the roaring noise himself. :-)
AtoZ, 23 February 2017
My children love to read this book and as it's a lift the flap book and they find it very exciting.
Farah, 15 February 2017
We got this free with Bookstart and it is such a fantastic book, learning animal sounds and finding them hiding was exciting.
William, 14 February 2017
A classic I loved as a child and my son loves too. His first jigsaw was based on the book and we have the play-a-sound edition which has broadened the appeal for both of us.
TMasterbuilder, 01 February 2017
My daughter loves opening the flaps and making the animal sounds. Would definitely recommend.
Daisy doo15, 01 February 2017
My 2-year-old loves this book, he was opening the windows and making lion noises. Very good for the little ones.
toni1210, 24 January 2017
My son loves me reading this book, loves lifting the covers up to find out what animal is underneath and saying the sounds the animals make.
MommaBear2013, 23 January 2017
We loved this book, have read over again. Jamie loved to guess the animals.
jkmummy, 21 January 2017
I love this book! I like the monkey the most.
Amelia-Meaney, 21 January 2017
We shared this book at the local library rhyme time 😊
Willow, 20 January 2017
We were given this book when Jess was born and she loves it! From lifting the flaps to making the sounds of the animals, it is an interactive book perfect for all ages.
Jessiemae, 14 January 2017
This is an awesome book! My daughter fell in love instantly with this book, the first lift flap book she read, and now she is addicted to all lift the flap books. Such a simple story and a delight for my little one. Thank you, Rod Campbell!
Azra, 12 January 2017
Very fun book to read with your child.
MummyBear17, 11 January 2017
When my 4-year-old was at nursery this was his favourite book. He always joined in by saying most of the words, even though he couldnt read them, he remembered them as we read it so much.
onredbull1, 03 January 2017
We received the small cardboard interactive lift the flaps version of this book in one of the early Bookstart packs. It immediately became a firm favourite for my son and still gets picked up weekly at 2 years old. At first it was always a surprise what the zoo would send next and he enjoyed lifting he flaps himself to find out. He then went through a stage where he would guess the animal and then open the flap. Now he enjoys calling out the animal as we read and making the sounds that the...
Scrummy mummy, 17 December 2016
Brilliant book. Both my boys engaged with it very early on as babies. Loved making animal sounds. Very well made - pretty much indestructable.
Little Owls, 17 December 2016
Excellent book
JGZH, 08 December 2016
Lovely book, lots of fun lifting the flaps and discovering what animals the zoo sent!
Hedgehoo, 14 November 2016
My older three have adored this book and I can't wait to start reading it with Sofia.
Sofia's mum, 10 October 2016
Our favourite book! We like to make the animal sounds too while we're reading it :)
Jane & Mo, 26 September 2016
Great book to start with. My little one loves lifting the flaps.
Liz F, 26 September 2016
Given as a gift and one of my ten-week-olds first books! Great clear pictures with bright colours, I can see him enjoying this one for years as he grows and changes!
Amychodgson, 19 September 2016
Esmae loves this book, lifting the flaps up to see what is underneath them.
Littlebean17, 15 September 2016
Fun lifting the flaps and making the animal noises.
Lou_, 14 September 2016
Nancy loves this book, and it's a firm favourite at bedtime!! She never tires of lifting the flaps and giggling when she sees what is underneath.
noodlenoo, 07 September 2016
My daughter loves this book, especially the grumpy camel, she loves pulling a grumpy face when she lifts the flaps.
Linalu, 27 August 2016
This has been a firm favourite since he was about 4 months old. He quickly learned to lift the flaps and began to anticipate which animal would be there. A magical moment to share.
Kimothy, 26 August 2016
My daughter loves this book, she can open the flaps herself and loves making the animal noises.
CheekyEmma, 25 August 2016
My 11-month-old loves this book, she has been turning pages for a while but now sits and plays with the flaps as well, I think trying to play peek-a-boo with the animals! She even tries to mimic my husband making all the animal noises.
BarleyBear, 16 August 2016
Grandparents bought this book and loves seeing all the different animals.
Piglet15, 15 August 2016
My 9-month-old daugher loves this book! I like the way that the pages are plain white so the focus is on the flap/the animal hidden underneath. I'm sure this book will be in our collection for a long time.
SoRae, 11 August 2016
My little boy loves seeing the different animals in the book. Loves making the sounds of the animals too.
Bambam2014, 04 August 2016
Absolutely loved by my 1-year-old - favourite book yet!
Mrs Stealthgoat, 27 July 2016
I love this book. This book brings back so many memories. My daughter loves the flaps.
Jesus2016, 14 July 2016
My 8-month-old loves this book. She can lift the flaps herself and loves it! Good for daytime reading as it's interactive.
Tooting Mum, 13 July 2016
We have enjoyed reading this book since my LO was very very little as the flaps are much more sturdy than some other books and didn't get pulled out! My only criticism is I'm not a fan of some of the reasons for sending the animals away but I think that it will spark good discussion later on!
L_ChMa, 13 July 2016
Love the book, great pictures for babies to look at.
Katy L , 11 July 2016
Helen loves to lift the flaps, she knows exactly where they are. This is by far her favourite book, she picks this one all the time. A short read too, which is great, especially for younger children with short attention spans.
HelensMummy, 09 July 2016
My little boy loves this book!! Especially when I make the animal noises, he squeals with delight!
LauraK, 27 June 2016
Love this book, made him laugh doing different animal noises 😀
Mummy bear X3, 24 June 2016
This is one of the first books shared with my son as he loved lifting the flaps to see what was hiding. This is good for encouraging interaction.
Sharon1, 18 June 2016
My son is nearly 2 and absolutely loves this book, being able to flip up the lids and see the different animals.
MummyandJake, 16 June 2016
My little boy loved listening to me reading this book from a young baby and now older joins in with the "Dear Zoo" part and lifting the flaps to see the animals. One of his favourites!
SophieJoe, 08 June 2016
Me and my children love this book.
Jubilee, 19 May 2016
Another classic which my son loves. From lifting the flaps to making monkey noises.
Mitch14, 16 May 2016
Love the pull-down flaps, we make the animal noises for each one
ELIZABETH, 27 April 2016
Luca loves Dear Zoo, especially playing hide and seek with the animals. At only 8 months old, he is already attempting to pull the flaps himself to discover the animals. He likes it when mummy makes the noises of the animals. Definitely one of his favourites and mummy's too.
Luca and mummy, 17 April 2016
This is a lovely interactive book with flaps and tests fine motor skills! We read it all the time, my little ones favorite book!
cherylames, 17 April 2016
My 10 month old got this book for christmas with the lil lion teddy and absolutly loves reading it and finding the animals hiding
Ellierose2014, 15 April 2016
Great story with colourful pictures allowing child to get involved with opening flaps to discover the animals hidden behind. One of our favourite books.
BradleyBear1, 12 April 2016
I loved this book when I was little and I had to get it for my baby too. I love the pop-ups and the humour.
monkeyjoe, 06 April 2016
My son loved this book and loved seeing all the pictures of the animals.
Tommy Lee , 22 March 2016
Although my son is still too young to interact, I love reading this to him, making animal noises as I go along. Seeing his smile makes reading to him so enjoyable. I hope he'll gain a love for books just like I do, especially reading the same stories I did as a child.
NaadirahG, 22 March 2016
Wonderful book.I and Snehil enjoys reading it.
Prerna, 14 March 2016
Very nice book
Pyszna, 27 February 2016
I have a pop up one and all my brothers and sisters love it.
Web_Browser, 26 February 2016
My 21 month old loves books and is surrounded with animal lovers especially her auntie who works at a zoo. She even does the animal sounds, impressions and BSL.
The Magician, 23 February 2016
One of my son's very favourite books - and he has quite a lot! This is certainly one of the best turn-the-flap books I've seen for young children.
Quizny, 22 February 2016
One of our fav books, great fun!
Yanni, 16 February 2016
Our 11 month old loves this book. She might not understand the words yet but enjoys lifting the flaps and has a fascination with animals at this young age so it's perfect!
Elsie'sMum, 06 February 2016
My son is 2 years and 2 months. He loves this book when we unfold each animal. He like to guess the animals.
will2016, 29 January 2016
good book
Dylan, 28 January 2016
Liliana loved to discover which animals were underneath!
Mummy & Liliana, 30 December 2015
My son loved the repetition of the book and liked looking at the animals beneath the flaps. I enjoyed reading this book to my son.
Dee and G, 17 December 2015
I sat and read with mummy and my cousin
JoshuaJames, 03 December 2015
Mummy and daddy read this to me regularly, I think it's great!
cameronthecarmad, 01 December 2015
It's a classic and baby J loves the pictures and looking under the flaps
MamaJ, 04 November 2015
Lovely book pictures to match a true classic
lettie, 31 October 2015
My six month old son loves this book! He's worked out how to open all the flaps himself and loves looking at the animals behind. His favourite is the lion - luckily the book is very strong and can withstand his excitement or it wouldn't have a cage any more!
J Diddy, 20 October 2015
My little one loves lift the flap books so this is perfect! She loves making animal noises! We also have the Christmas version "Dear Santa" which is a lovely seasonal variation!
MammyAndMeena, 19 October 2015
My son loves this book, he goes around telling everyone about it even when we do not have the book with us.
kdcakes, 09 October 2015
Ishaan feels so good to see animals opening the flap and tell me who it is in excitement!
Ishaan, 02 October 2015
I remember reading this when I was little, so I loved it even more reading this to my 2 year old. Making all the animal noises as well to make her giggle.
Mummsy-30, 29 September 2015
My littles ones first favorite book. He loved lifting the flaps and making the noise
DanMc83, 28 September 2015
We love this book, my little girl lifts the flaps now! This book will help with her learn animal names and sounds it's great.
Gemma30, 19 September 2015
My daughter loves this book!
Mamatee, 19 September 2015
It's a great book for little ones. They know the words by heart after few reads.
Josiane, 13 September 2015
We love this book and create all the animal sounds ☺️
Twinniesp&b, 09 September 2015
This is Thomas's favourite book, we read this together daily. Thomas loves to lift the flaps to discover which animal is there and listen to me make the noises
Snugglesbear, 28 August 2015
Great to do with sign language and imitate the characters from the book. Enjoyed it very much
Northernlass, 26 August 2015
My son loves to lift the flaps and find out what animal is hiding underneath
Tina1510, 21 August 2015
My 16 month old loves this book.. he gets so excited when we read it opening the flaps.. we now try and make the animal noise too.
Finley, 17 August 2015
My son loves a lift the flap book. This classic story is interactive and encourages naming animals and noises. It has a good story line and my son was pleased with the ending and the perfect puppy.
Noah's mum, 14 August 2015
My little boy loved this book. He loved lifting the flaps to see what animal was underneath. He also liked making the sounds of each animal.
Samm, 13 August 2015
She is only sixteen months old. But loves this book, has been read lots of times
Wormbook, 13 August 2015
faye really enjoys opening the flaps and seeing all the animals her fave is the lion fun book :)
fayelawrence, 05 August 2015
My 11 month old loves Dear Zoo and enjoys opening all of the flaps and waiting for me to say the animal name and make the noise. He often closes the flap and reopens it a few times so that he can hear them again! We took this book on holiday and it kept him happy on the train, at the house, everywhere!
Mummy dragon, 02 August 2015
Great baby loved uncovering the animals
mia-roses, 28 July 2015
loved it
lukejames14, 25 July 2015
Great flip book. The children can have fun trying to guess which animal is under the flap. It has a sentence that repeats itself and as your child gets old he may join in reading it. It good way for them to learn animal sounds as well. This may be an ideal first book for them to learn to read.
GoldAngel, 23 July 2015
My stepson has this book loves it
Stephy28, 21 July 2015
Good book
Jackh, 15 July 2015
I have read this story to my daughter Amber and she loves it. Trying to turn the pages for me and lift up the doors to reveal the zoo animals playing peek a boo.
Shellybelly, 09 July 2015
This was my favorite book last year!!!
Zovicky, 01 July 2015
We must read this book at least once a day. My 14m old loves to lift the flaps and make gestures such as big, scary, jumpy etc... In fact her first animal noise was when we were looking at the lion. She can now 'read' it to herself with lots of 'expression'. I can think of many months of different activities and fun with this book.
Sarah's mummy, 26 June 2015
my son loves to lift the flaps and plays peek-a-boo with the animals
babybrighteyes, 10 June 2015
My daughter loves reading this book, it's one of her favourites she loves to join in, making the animal noises and telling me to send the animals back!
salembeck, 08 June 2015
Easily one of our family favorites!
nat1991, 05 June 2015
My lol girl got this for her first birthday and loves going threw the pages and lifting the flaps to see what's behind each one
Dot Dot, 24 May 2015
Great book
Richard3, 21 May 2015
My lo loves it
payalgoenka, 20 May 2015
This book will always hold special memories for us. The girls loved it from a very young age.
Lily & Amelia, 19 May 2015
Amy 99, 13 May 2015
Both my kids love this book. My son is 16 months old can find the animals under the flaps also can do the monkey and dog sounds
Emma, 05 May 2015
Toby loves having this book read to him especially lifting up the flaps to see which animals have been sent from the zoo
clemtufts, 05 May 2015
This is one of my 8 months baby boy favourite books. He has a book to read at home and a buggy one to take with him everywhere he goes. Just brilliant! :-)
Mrs Dawn, 05 May 2015
the book was very nice for my little sister oh my god it is a mircle
tanisha lester, 04 May 2015
This is a consistent favourite at bedtime - or anytime! The flaps help engage my little boy as we read and he loves calling to the animals and making noises. Lovely illustrations and a fuss-free, charming story. A proper classic!
NickiHogan89, 03 May 2015
A simple book, perfect for babies and young children, I cannot wait until we can make lifting the flaps a game, making the book much more exciting and enjoyable for BabyBelle
BabyBellesBooks, 28 April 2015
This book is an important part of our bedtime routine. My lo loves making animal sounds to this book.
Rachnel, 20 April 2015
A lovely book. My baby is only 9 months and her face lights up when we read this. We have the touch and feel version and she loves feeling the different textures.
Laura and Charlotte, 19 April 2015
Liked this book because of the flaps.
jakesclub, 18 April 2015
We loved reading this with the flaps for him to lift and making the animal noises through the book and having to invent some noises too
aiden123, 17 April 2015
Rory loves this book he loves the flaps and he likes to make the animal sounds
RoryBear10, 08 April 2015
my little girl is 18 months and she has only had this book today and she loves it she loves opening the flaps to see the animals
rebeccafuller93, 02 April 2015
This was one of the first books we read to our daughter and she thoroughly enjoys it, big smiles when she looks under the flaps and giggles at the animal noises we make.
mrsgiles, 31 March 2015
Great book, Emma gets really excited when we read this book especially at the end when I say they sent a dog and we kept her and point to our dog. Emma let's out a squeal!
Jenandemma, 31 March 2015
Teaches about different animals and their homes. My daughter loves the surprise under the flaps and I like her being able to interact with the story. Well loved book.
Minilemming, 29 March 2015
We've got the texture version of this book and our son loves it. Great colour pictures and simple short sentences to read.
Rorythebear, 28 March 2015
My daughter loves this book, she loves opening all the flaps and then making the noise of the animal
y77oH, 24 March 2015
My son really loves this book it's one of his favourites
Char 117, 21 March 2015
Eva loves this book! She asks for it over and over and can almost read it to herself by memory.
Grace'smummy, 20 March 2015
My son loves this book has he enjoys lifting the flaps to see the animals. Good book for interaction and i remember it from when i was a child.
blakeARC, 07 March 2015
Baby Morgan aged 8weeks old, loves this book as I lift the flaps and show him the animals underneath.
Morganbear, 03 March 2015
We love reading this book and lifting the flaps to see what different animals there are... one book that has to be read time & time again
Madi&Mummi, 23 February 2015
My little one loves this book! We must read it 3 or 4 times every day!
Mikhail, 21 February 2015
My daughter enjoy reading this book, she specially enjoy the pop up pages and naming the animals.
Fabulous, 21 February 2015
Both my children love this book. We love making the animal noises when we lift each flap.
Jessicawilf, 18 February 2015
Brought this for a friend
Lily jayne, 16 February 2015
One of our favourites - very simple and repetitive. perfect for toddlers - although I have had to buy several copies over the years as the flaps don't withstand lots and lots of use by unsupervised toddlers and it is important that they are allowed to use the flaps themselves!
copterkate, 12 February 2015
My little loves it when we read it together, especially when we lift up the flaps and reveal the little animals. Brings back a lot of memories~
Winbo, 11 February 2015
My daughter loves looking at the colourful pictures and smiles every time I read it to her.. very good book
lottielou93, 05 February 2015
My 15 month daughter really enjoys this book. She loves lifting up the flaps to see what is behind it. I would definitely recommend this book.
montague, 02 February 2015
Ava Rose loves this book! She enjoys lifting up the flaps and finding the animals.
Happee_smurf, 01 February 2015
Riley loves this book and anticipates what is coming next!
Riley2013, 30 January 2015
My son absolutely loves this book, it's the first one points to for us to read. He loves lifting the flaps, he's read it so much we need to get a new one as they are getting a little tatty!
Izaac, 23 January 2015
Eliza's favourite book!
Peelbabies, 23 January 2015
A lovely book which is simple to understand and they can guess what's hiding
Angelique, 22 January 2015
Fantastic book that my little girl has enjoyed since she could focus, we have the touch & feel version it's great!
bugsy, 22 January 2015
My little girl has loved this book since she was born!!!.. She's now 14 months, She makes all the animal sounds and signs them too!! She always brings to me out of her basket of books :)
Mr tumble, 22 January 2015
Clear, simple and fun my toddler loves lifting the flaps and making the noise of the animals. His favourite book by far :)
TinyTim, 14 January 2015
My daughter and son love this book they both got one each. One big and small book which is excellent
Laibah, 14 January 2015
Borrow from nursery. My nearly 3 year old son wanted me to read it to him every night for the week that we had the book. By the end of the week he was telling me and other family members the story.
stanleyandmummy, 11 January 2015
Fantastic story, was bought for my son Christmas 2012 and it is still a firm favourite!
olibobbles, 04 January 2015
Love this book, enjoyed finding out what had been sent next.
MrsB85, 04 January 2015
This book is delightfull if you have little kids .
Tayla, 02 January 2015
My daughter adores this book, I read it to hear everyday and she loves the pictures.
Sasharoo, 28 November 2014
Lovely book My baby love this book she read this book again again.
Mah , 27 November 2014
my 1 year old daughter loves this book
lewesmummy, 23 November 2014
lyj1227, 19 November 2014
Me and Jack love this story and we both get very excited lifting the flaps too see whos hiding.
Goodie2014, 13 November 2014
My daughter was recently asked what her favourite children's book was and with no hesitation she said "Dear Zoo" which her elder brother had also loved. By the way she is nearly 16 and her brother is now 20 and currently at uni!. As a footnote her much older mother never tired of waiting for her little listener to say "too ....."
Sharon, 02 November 2014
My daughter now knows what's behind each door, so shouts out the answer before I've had chance to open the flap. Good book to read and helps children to learn the different animal names.
eld060392, 29 October 2014
My daughter loves this book: it is a regular feature at library visits, nursery and toddler group.
Chezilly, 18 October 2014
My little girl loved this book the flaps to lift & the noises I made to bring the book to life she loves the colourful pages so I went out & bought this book for her to keep
Madgirl, 08 October 2014
We borrowed this book from the library after we went to the zoo and it was nice go over the animals we saw. Even though she is 2 my little girl loves books we always borrow 8 books and she gets trough them so fast she loves them.
yara, 13 September 2014
My daughter loves lifting the flaps to see which animal comes next.
Smpretty, 25 July 2014
My little girl enjoys this book trying to lift the flaps and smiles at the animals. Interacts when making animal sounds.
isla-rae, 12 July 2014
There is something enchanting about this book! When my son was first given it at 7 months old, he loved looking at the animals. Now at 10 months old, his face lights up when he just sees the book and he loves opening the flaps (after originally tugging them, he now knows how to carefully open them!) A must have book for all little ones.... And their parents! :)
Butterfly 2014, 10 June 2014
A birthday present on Finleys 1st birthday he loves this book :), 17 May 2014
Every night before bed we read and usually dear zoo is in the many we read! Teddy loves to open the flaps and see what animals inside and makes their noise and often tells me about the times he saw these animals. I remember this when I was younger. Great book. Not too long as my little one can lose interest quickly!
tjsnell, 08 May 2014
My daughter loves this book. We often read it together and she loves looking under the flaps.
kelly6stars, 02 May 2014
I read this as a child and love reading it to my son. He had this book before he was even born, n now has the buggy version. He loves lifting the flaps (almost tearing them off) and has just started to say dog when we get to the final page.
Nuntunnun, 01 May 2014
Daisy loves this book and makes the noises of the animals roaring when we open the door on lion etc brilliant book
Daisy boo, 25 April 2014
My daughter loved to hear the animal noises as we came across each in turn, a great opportunity to practice some makaton signs too.
Smpretty, 03 April 2014
My 2 yrs daughter Meenal loves this book. She feels so fun looking into each animal by moving the flaps and is more excited making animal sounds.
Hina, 03 April 2014
Charlie is 11 months and has read this book with me many times! He now turns the flaps and pages by himself and gets excited when I ask him what animal the zoo has sent. Couldn't be a better book to share with your baby or toddler.
charlieadammullally, 03 April 2014
My little 7 month old girl gets very excited when I read this book to her and turns the pages
Tiaholivia, 26 March 2014
A gift from a friend, and gets smiles every time we read it
JDPD, 25 March 2014
A classic! Babies love to lift the flaps and see the animals underneath!
Leosmummy, 25 March 2014
My little boy loves this book. He loves lifting the flaps and laughs at my attempt to make animal noises. He's a year old and always grabs for this book. Even as a grown up I love this book as well.
Izzy and Jacob, 14 March 2014
This is my daughters all time favourite book. She always brings it to us to be ready over and over again and she loves lifting the flaps and the different animals
full time mummy, 19 February 2014
My 17 month old son has the noisy book and loves to lift the flaps then press the animal noise that matches the pictures :)
shellym, 18 February 2014
We love this book it's simple but teaches my little boy his animals and their sounds
GeorgeGiller, 17 February 2014
We read this together and it's great fun lifting the flaps to see who's underneath
Ivy, 10 February 2014
My boy loves lifting the flaps and makes roaring noises, its helping teach him animals and is 1 of our faves!
Ethanbear, 04 February 2014
My one year old daughter loved this book , she likes to turn the pages to see which animal is next .
Gshan, 03 February 2014
My son loved this book. He loved lifting the flaps and seeing the different animals behind each flap. He particularly enjoys when I make the animal noises.
Bee69, 22 January 2014
Emily loves this book. She is starting to know which sequence the animals come in. She will go to her favourite pages which is the monkey and puppy
Lisa , 15 January 2014
Brilliant children's classic that my 11 month old son thoroughly enjoys. He loves lifting the flaps & when we make the sounds of all the animals.
OTMum, 15 January 2014
My little boy loves this book he adores lifting the flaps and feeling the different textures.
Charlie Bear 13, 12 January 2014
Great book my 5 month old enjoys lifting the flaps and turning the pages
Connor'sMummy, 08 January 2014
I bought this book for my daughter - she loves the flaps and lifts each one making a noise for every animal... except the giraffe! She shouts 'SIT, DADDY' and pats the seat next to her, and gives him this book to read.
LadyWilding, 05 January 2014
This is one my daughters favourite books. She joins in with I sent it back and gets very excited
EJP3007, 03 January 2014
Both baby and i love this book. He listens to the sounds and giggles. We added our own version of what happens after we keep the puppy at the end of the book. Things like i take him for a walk, i play catch with him and i feed him some milk and treats. This book will definately bring you and baby close as you share story time. It's good for developing social skills.
AabanAngel, 13 December 2013
ive read this to my son loads of times and he enjoys it each and every time
AronJoseph2010, 09 December 2013
My 18 month old is only just interested in this book, but, she absolutely loves it. She identifies the lion is in the cat family by making the noise she makes for cats and also calls it jazzie (our cat). It helps her to identify the animals and is a great book to read together! She always looks surprised when we lift the flaps.
Emilierose, 22 November 2013
Evie and I love this book, I have started to ask her questions like where's the snake etc and she finds the right pages. This was one of her first books as we had the small buggy version..... We love it
SJC, 19 November 2013
Brilliant book, we've been reading this from 3 months, my daughters favorite book, it definetly grows with your child, from turning pages, lifting flaps, now (18mths) we do the sounds and are learning the animal names.
Lily12, 13 November 2013
My 5 month old loves this book, especially when I make the animal noises!
Sweetpea1, 31 October 2013
My 11 month old loves lifting the flaps and can't turn the pages quick enough to get to the next one. As soon as the book is finished she pushes it into my hands to start all over again!
PaulineDS, 22 October 2013
Great book, got this when Jack was about 6 months old and he loves lifting all the flaps to see whats underneath, roaring at the lion and hissing at the snake. He still enjoys it months later.
Bidawee, 22 October 2013
I like this book because i like all the animals that come from the zoo.
Leah, 21 October 2013
Dear Zoo I like dear zoo because i read it to my 23 month sister and she likes lifting the flaps and makes the noises.
Eva, 21 October 2013
One of my favourites from me being young and now ty loves it too he loves lifting the flaps and babbling at the pictures!
Lisa and ty, 11 October 2013
You can't go wrong with this book, it's a classic
Rachael, 10 October 2013
Rubee loves opening the flaps and saying woof, and roar
Rubee, 06 October 2013
Chloe loves animals and knows them all well
Paula, 04 October 2013
My 9 month old loves any book with flaps, but when I start reading this one she waves her arms up and down and gets very excited! She enjoys the animal noises I make too. Would recommend.
AMC12, 04 October 2013
I enjoy reading the book
jass, 03 October 2013
he loves the book
jass, 03 October 2013
My daughter loved this book, she was fixed on all the pictures. and was fascinated when I opened the flaps =)
Little Mum, 03 October 2013
We like this book it's a favourite for Sofia she like the animals.
Sofia , 13 September 2013
This is by far one of the favourites of all the children in one of our playgroups. My little boy loves to see what's underneath the flaps.
Mum of Little Angel, 10 September 2013
My little girl loves this book. It was one of the first books I bought for her. She loves the pictures and flaps, and it manages to hold her attention. Simply a classic that was loved by me and now my daughter.
Shadowpink27, 03 September 2013
We have the soundbook versin of this and my 7 month old Daughter squeals in delight when I read it with her. I would recommend this book to everyone as it is a lovely book to share
RSkipper, 13 August 2013
Great book to read with my 4 month old. Fun to lift up the boxes to see which animals were inside. Look forward to reading this again and again!
tasha22, 13 August 2013
Max loves looking at the animals in this book. We read it over and over again.
Sam1984, 07 August 2013
My daughter and I have enjoyed this book together she received it as a gift for her first birthday and still loves it now shes nearly three.
mummymaryalbert, 05 August 2013
My son loves this book! We share this story every bedtime. The wording and illustrations are perfect for toddlers, especially with the little flaps. My son also loves 'Dear Santa' by Rod Campbell which we read all year round! I think Rod Campbell books are a MUST on every baby's/toddlers book shelf.
tigerty, 03 August 2013
brilliant short story book to read at bedtime, it's a great learning experience for both you and your child, noisy you make and then listening to your child make the same sound along with teaching your child what names the animals.
mistybabe, 10 July 2013
Harry loves this book the frog is his favourite he laughs when you lift the flap and it jumps out of its box
karla, 03 July 2013
My 2 year old is keen to read this book all the time. Loves to listen the actions that the animals do. He also loves to touch and feel the textures of their body. All in all a good book to share !
Vision, 19 June 2013
We read this book together at the library and had fun making the animal noises of the ones in the book.
Al, 06 June 2013
I got this book for my daughter because I remembered it being in the house when I was younger. She loves it when her daddy changes his voice for each animal and trying to lift the flaps (not quite there yet!) A lovely book for exploring size, sounds and repetition.
Hazelgough, 01 June 2013
Really enjoys lifting the flaps and hearing all the animal noises. We do baby sign language and this is a great one to do the animals with. Great fun.
Anna-matt-wills, 31 May 2013
My son loves this book I brought him the pop up one and he just loves pulling the doors and things open looks surprised everytime x
mummy and lil man, 13 May 2013
brilliant book,my granny Phil used to read this to me,when i was little,so it's a great reminder of her,and such fun to read and pass on the memories and laughter to my daughter: she loves lifting the flaps and playing hedi-boo with the zoo animals,
moo2011, 02 May 2013
My four month old son loves this book and gets really excited when I read it with him. I make all the animal noises as we turn the pages and he wiggles his little body with delight particularly the monkey, lion and elephant.
Ness, 28 March 2013
I loved this a child myself and now my 15 month twin boys are enjoying. They love to lift the flaps to see what underneath. Brilliant book.
BlueMoon, 28 March 2013
this book was givern by school from book club and both my children love the bit when they sent the giraffe back and still love reading this them selfs now
ellie , 09 March 2013
My older son who is 5 now used this book and loved it as it helped him with identifying animals. My younger son is now using it too and he is 2 going to 3.He carries it everywhere and its almost torn. Really good book!
Keny, 05 March 2013
My 10 month old is still loving this book - we got him it when he was 2 months old. Amazing to now see him now able to lift he flaps and am sure he knows the animals. A lovely book and a must for the book box/shelf.
Archi , 23 January 2013
One of my daughters favourite books, she smiles when I pick it from our pile of books and can't wait to turn the pages and always grabs for the flaps. Mummy always makes the animal noises which make her squeal with delight every time!
CatherineO, 22 January 2013
I bought this book to read to my son when he was 3 months. He gives me a big smile every time I take it out and loves turning the flaps! It was recommended by a friend and I would definitely recommend it.
Mama SJ, 15 January 2013
My 12 month old loves this book and often gets it off the shelf to 'read' it and lift the flaps himself
Kanga, 15 January 2013
This is a lovely book to read- so simple, and really interactive- with flaps and noises you can make- its great!
BooksAreFab, 11 January 2013
My son likes to lift the flaps in this book and he enjoys practising his animal sounds when he sees them underneath. He is 20 months old so the flaps take quite a battering when he tries to pull them off but he always enjoys looking at it.
Lysty, 10 January 2013
Great timeless book I shared this book with my eldest son (who is now 16) & now with my baby son (now 21 months). He adores this book. We started reading this book from around 12 months old & he returns to it several times a day, loves lifting the chunky, flaps to find the animals & make the noises. A classic, enjoyable, interactive book. 10/10
TheLostSlayer, 02 January 2013
One of our favourite books, its a real classic! A definite recommendation for any child.
FlossieFluffBall, 30 December 2012
A fantastic book that my son has loved from 3 months. We read it every night and loves pulling down the flaps. The book app for the iPad is great fun too. I'd definitely recommend this to any parent. Dear Santa by Rod Campbell is also another must!
Mrs AM, 06 December 2012
This is by far Lucy's favourite books. She is nearly 10 months now but has loved it for months. She LOVES to lift the flaps and see the animals. We have now bought her own copy after borrowing it from the library many times. She has not tired of it even now it's a constant addition to her book collection.
Lovely Little Lucy, 15 November 2012
My little boy loves this book we had borrowed the anniversary one from the library which has big thick pages to turn.
1981PooleT, 30 October 2012
My 10 month old daughter loves this book, we have got the copy with the different animal sounds. She sits and listens over and over again.
Ellabellaboo, 30 October 2012
My little girl loves this book, she stares at each animal with wide eyes and the pages are very easy for her to turn. She loves the bright colours too.
Sleepingangel, 04 October 2012
My daughter's favourite book. She opens all the flaps and repeats giraffe and elephant after me. For some reason she always tries to eat the frog!
[email protected], 03 October 2012
We have a giant size copy of this book and we've loved reading it together and lifting the flaps. It's even been on a visit to nursery to be shared with the class. brilliant
kerrylou27, 28 September 2012
i read this book with three young parents after a lovely tea with thier children in a sure start centre. each parent enjoyed the story with their children they borrowed a copy from our library that we have created in the sure start centre. The parents will keep the book for two weeks and read it to their lovely children and then tell me how they got on with encouraging their children to enjoy and have fun reading at home with them.
laughter group, 28 September 2012
my baby loves looking at the pictures :) we red it after bath time
jacobs_books, 20 September 2012
my auntie bought this for Harry last Christmas and he loves finding the animals under the flaps
mandyb2, 18 September 2012
My daughter received this book as a christmas present and what a great gift it is. we read it everyday! and love doing so. she enjoys turning the pages, lifting the flaps and pressing the buttons to hear the animal noises - a fun book but also a great learning tool.
sisely, 07 August 2012
My 10 month old daughter loves this book...she lifts the flaps and makes a noise for each animal!
Meg's Mom, 07 August 2012
My 3 year old loves this and has done since since she was one, knows the words of by heart now and loves opening the flaps to reveal the animal, I would highly recommend this book.
mamma bear, 01 August 2012
Freya gets so excited lifting all the flaps to see what's underneath. We also do all the noises together!
poohbear49, 29 July 2012
My 17 month old loves this book as he can move the flaps, its one of the few books he'll sit and read as he quickly gets bored but this book keeps his attention, his 4 year old brother loved it when he was younger to and will still sit and read it with us, I think I read it too when I was younger and I'm 23 and it's still a favourite :)
angela, 27 July 2012
Classic lift the flap - brilliant
bobcat, 10 July 2012
A family favourite. Our two-year-old loves to hear this over and over. We finish, only for him to announce, "Again!". He especially loves the flaps. We make a little game of reading it. So much fun!
3Boys, 07 July 2012
A charming book which my son loves. I would definitely recommend to anyone for their child. A firm favourite with lots of lovely interaction through the flaps.
hellokitty278, 07 July 2012
My girl loves this book.The guessing makes it sweet for kids.Very intelligently designed and a must read atleast once for kids.
SangeetaShriya, 06 July 2012
Another great lift-the-flap book.
Benni's mum, 04 July 2012
My 8 month old loved this book, we got it free with bookstart pack. He loved bagging on it but also loved lookin at the pictures
Little_Peanut, 26 June 2012
A firm favourite in our house
Clare04, 18 June 2012
Lovely book. My little girl has loved this book loads and she still does at 22 months old. She turns the flaps and has great fun and lots of giggles making the animal noises :-)
Corinna&Immy, 14 June 2012
My child loves lifting the flaps and signing the names of the different animals (we know BSL)....I can certainly say this is one of his favourite books at the moment -well he has stages haha :) Technically I can read this book over and over and over again, till he literally asks me not to read it anymore!! He's 17months
Lilttle Brown Mouse, 12 June 2012
I love teasing sophie with what could be behind each flap and she gets so excited when we open them and see.
Sophies mummy, 08 June 2012
A fantasic book which Rufus thoroughly enjoys. He is always eager to lift the flaps and it has helped him to identify animals and the sounds that they make. It makes my heart melt when I see my little boy sat reading this book on his own, watching him doing animal actions and listening to him making the sounds of the animals :0)
Mummy of Rufus Rascal Pants, 05 June 2012
My 9 month old loves this book. She loves all the colours and the story makes her giggle.
estepp0, 01 June 2012
My daughter LOVES this, we own two copies; one for the grandparents house, it has to be read EVERY DAY AT LEAST TWICE!
bobobunny, 31 May 2012
an absolute favourite! a beautiful combination of two great things; making animals noises & pop-ups!
edandbean, 18 May 2012
Brilliant book! read this so regular that I know it of by heart. My daughter cant wait to open the flaps on each page, when she sees whats behind the flap she lets out a bust of laughter. I love reading this book to her just to see her so happy.
Meme, 05 May 2012
My daughter loves this book, she has just started to make the animal sounds when she turns over the flaps on each page.
anna-marie, 27 April 2012
A book loved by my little one since he was just a few months old. At 14 months he still digs it out and enjoys 'roaring' when he gets to the lion. Pleased to report that some of the flaps remain in tact.
ickle pickle, 25 April 2012
I got this book for my daughter's 1st birthday and 4 months later she still reads the book every single day - she really loves lifting the flaps and making animal noises! Excellent book to get babies and toddlers interested in reading.
Ree, 13 April 2012
My son is 22 months and has loved this book since about 6 months. He gets so excited when he opens the flaps and makes all the animals noises. We saw that there is a counting book along these lines by Rod Campbell and are getting it soon. Dear Zoo is a must.
Sadeyes57, 22 March 2012
I found this book when my daughter was 18 months old - she loved looking behind all the different flaps, and has bored guests silly by asking each of them in turn to read it to her (again and again).
sonelle, 13 March 2012
my little boy LOVES this story, he starts making the animal sounds as soon as I pick it up, we also have the interactive dar zoo sound book too, which he loves as he can press the buttons for each animal sound. loves opening the flaps to discover each animal and the anticipation on his face is a joy to see :-)
rachaellh77, 11 March 2012
i've read it to my daughter and also read it loads of times to my friends daughter to they both enjoy lifting the flaps
bubbabear, 02 March 2012
my 2 year old daughter loves this book, she had it a week ago. she loves animals and listening to me make the sound when she lifts the flaps open. we have read it over and over so many times i know the book off by heart now. would recommend to others will have a great time reading this just like we do
my little pudding, 29 February 2012
She loves lifting the flaps x She can recognise a few animals x
Munchkinmummy, 24 February 2012
Its a fantastic book. My son has always enjoyed reading this book. He loves to lift the flaps and enjoys talking about the animals.we can read this book any number of times. will introduce this book to my little girl who is 3 months old now, when she grows up
vidya, 15 February 2012
kalfal, 13 February 2012
I've read this book to my 5 month old daughter so many times I now know it by heart! I'm sure as she grows it will help her to learn the different animals and their characteristics. It would be nice if the name of each animal was written in the book to help with reading in later years but I suppose the fun is in the guessing!
Grace's mam, 10 February 2012
This is one of my 8-month-old's favourites! He has learned to open the flaps to find the animals, and we have fun seeing all the animals the zoo sent before finding the lovely surprise at the end.
Skirgo, 08 February 2012
loves this book loves to look at the animals
lacey, 08 February 2012
My daughter adores this book! She lifts the flaps in excitement, and we make the sounds of the animals! Her favourites are the monkey and the puppy at the end! Nice illustrations too.
ChloeB, 07 February 2012
My one year old loves this book. She makes all the animal noises. I enjoy reading to her.
Fizzy, 06 February 2012
my 2 year old daughter loves this book, she loves animals now. I let her open the flaps then we make the noise together. we have read it over and over now she nows why they were sent back. great book!!
gooseyqueen, 31 January 2012
My baby really enjoyed this book, he learnt where each flap was pretty quickly, and when I said "so they sent me a..." he'd give me a massive grin and proceed to open the flaps. Lovely book.
jaredsmummy, 30 January 2012
I bought this book for Samuel and Amy for Christmas, and it's Amy's favourite ! She likes opening the flaps, to see what's inside, and i've read it so many times, I know it off by heart !
Samy, 29 January 2012
We recently read this to our 10 month old daughter and she loves it. She really enjoys lifting the flaps to see what animals are underneath and even roars when she sees the lion. Great book.
tashafanclub, 28 January 2012
i read this to my son at 16 weeks old he seemed to like it he watched all the way through and loved it when i lifted the flaps. we both enjoyed story time with this book i would reconmend you get it for your baby.
amelia2706, 26 January 2012
I really think this book is great from birth, my daughter loves when I make the animal noises and pull silly faces! We have both the cardboard and noisy book. She's still about scared of the lion noise but loves the rest!!
Beka, 23 January 2012
My daughter has had this book since she was 12 months old and enjoys lifting the flaps herself to reveal the different animals. It's a book you never tire from reading again and again.
Mrs D, 09 January 2012
We sat and read this book together opening the flaps and making the animals sounds.
ellie-t, 03 January 2012
We read this together after bath time and he loves it.
tiddlypush, 28 October 2011
I really liked this book, my son and I read it at nap time and he loves to lift up the flaps, we also talk about what animals we can see behind the flaps. Its great x
pea123, 17 October 2011
Samuel loves the noises we make for the different animals, he laughs at this book everytime.
keljam82, 10 October 2011
This book was read to us on our Baby Signing course. I now want to buy it for my little boy. The repetition is lovely & I know as he gets older he'll enjoy guessing which animal comes next, making the animal noises & lifting the flaps.
Brenton's Mummy, 30 September 2011
Simple story with lovely pictures. My son liked waiting for the flaps to be revealed. A great recommended read.
Tracylou, 27 September 2011
My daughter has read and read this book since age 1 and still pick it up an read through by herself. We had to buy a second copy as the first was pull apart.
Zoubie, 11 September 2011
My son loves this book so much he also has a mini version for his buggie. A timeless book also remember myself growing up!
Ethanraptor, 26 August 2011
My son really loves this book it really helped him learn more about the world of animals
JORDAN1110, 18 August 2011
It's basically a fantastic book. Matt loves reading it and making the animal noises. It is just fantastic
Matty Bear, 15 August 2011
My son loves this book and can't wait to get involved lifting up the flaps and he even makes the sounds before! Lovely fun book
Wakwak, 13 August 2011
I read this book as a child and as soon as i found out that i was expecting my first, it was one of my first and favourite purchases. Kai absolutely adores this book. He learnt all his favourite animals from this book. He just cries with laughter when you lift up the flaps and reveal the animals...especially with the added animal noises by mummy. His favourite book by far!
KAI , 10 August 2011
Ethan loved lifting the flaps even at 12 months.
white rabbit, 05 August 2011
Great book, my daughter has enjoyed it almost daily, from 12 months until now at 22 months. It's been great for teaching her her animals, and she loves lifting the flaps. The puppy is her favourite. Have also taught her the animals in her 2nd language!!
Billy Cat, 05 August 2011
Both of my girls love this book. Mya, who is 2 likes to make all of the noises!! Layla who is 4 like to try and read it by herself.
debbie19841, 02 August 2011
My daughter loves the flaps on this book and often picks up this book herself and looks at it
boo, 29 July 2011
Our daughter loves this book and never tires of lifting the flaps and making animal noises. So simple, yet brilliant.
LisaC, 29 July 2011
Fab book for interaction and excitement
Gromit, 29 July 2011
11 month Kai loves lifting the flaps on this book and loves hearing the sounds each animal makes.
Kai-Marcs_Mummy, 26 July 2011
We shared this book when my son was 19 months and he is now hooked on 'raise the flap' books. Just amazing.
Youngmoda, 24 July 2011
My son loves this book. It was one of his first books and he loves lifting the flaps and making lion and monkey noises!
JJ happy bean, 15 July 2011
This was Alex's first book and 2 years after first reading it he still loves it.
AJT2009, 08 July 2011
I bought this book for my son before he was even born, as it was bought for me when I was little too. He's only 7 months old, but squeals when I lift each flap for him and can turn the pages himself. I love that I'm able to share the enjoyment I had as a child with him. Fantastic book!
JDsMummy, 07 July 2011
Our son had this for his first birthday and it was the most 'played with toy' all day. He loves to 'read' this book, and we don't tire of reading to him :)
Nikkidavies2009, 15 June 2011
We love this book, my lil one made a similar version in his Language and Play classes and just loves to open the flaps to see what animal is next!
TheGoogs, 14 June 2011
Lovely story keeping my 17 month old son's interest and attention.
adribabo, 12 June 2011
My 20 month old son loves lifting the flaps to see the animals and making their noises. He is always frightened of the lion and shuts his eyes saying No!
Deb, 09 June 2011
Very good, simple and colourful – kept katie interested looking behind various flaps. Has been a favourite and stays in the car which always helps on long journeys. It has also helped with Katie learning her animals and sounds.
pip, 06 June 2011
I wanted to start a routine to get my baby to take naps in the day and to get her to sleep at night. Part of this was to read her a book before her sleep. A friend gave me Dear Zoo and we now have that both at nap times and at bedtime. My daughter gets excited when she sees it and now opens the flaps and turns the pages (she is now 8-and-a-half months old). I once tried to miss the book from her routine and there were many tears!
Lisa, 16 May 2011
I wanted to start a routine to get my baby to take naps in the day and to get her to sleep at night. Part of this was to read her a book before her sleep. A friend gave me Dear Zoo and we now have that both at nap times and at bedtime. My daughter gets excited when she sees it and now opens the flaps and turns the pages (she is now 8-and-a-half months old). I once tried to miss the book from her routine and there were many tears!
Lisa, 16 May 2011
we think that this is a very good book to read because, we like to learn from childrens books. this has helped many of children develop there intellectual development.
year 11 child care kettering (:, 11 March 2011
We have to read Dear Zoo every bed time, so much so that my two year old can now 'read' it to me. Love the story and the joining in flaps!
Jacki, 17 February 2011
We have to read Dear Zoo every bed time, so much so that my two year old can now 'read' it to me. Love the story and the joining in flaps!
Jacki, 17 February 2011
Dear Zoo is fantastic and has been much loved by our three children. There are loads of great picture books out there though!
Andrea, 01 February 2011
Dear Zoo is fantastic and has been much loved by our three children. There are loads of great picture books out there though!
Andrea, 01 February 2011
My 20 month old daughter enjoys lifting the flaps and making some of the animal noises!
Lucy, 01 February 2011
My 20 month old daughter enjoys lifting the flaps and making some of the animal noises!
Lucy, 01 February 2011
Dear Zoo is read eight times a day and my daughter knows the books inside out now and can join in with me. The two books I received in my Bookstart pack are fantastic and my baby daughter thoroughly enjoyed them.
Bookstart mum, 06 January 2011
Dear Zoo is read eight times a day and my daughter knows the books inside out now and can join in with me. The two books I received in my Bookstart pack are fantastic and my baby daughter thoroughly enjoyed them.
Bookstart mum, 06 January 2011