Clem and Crab

(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Andersen Press

Clem loves going to the beach, where she collects an assortment of objects in her bucket and plays with a little orange crab, who scuttles among the rocks. As she sorts through her treasures at the end of the day, deciding what to recycle and what should be returned to the sea, Clem discovers Crab, tangled up in a plastic bag at the bottom of her bucket. She carefully releases him into a rockpool, although she worries about his safety on the litter-strewn beach.

Using the rubbish she has gathered from the seashore, Clem creates a picture for her school project. She shares her enthusiasm for the seaside with her classmates and explains that although she tries hard to keep the coastline clean, it is a big job for one little person. However, she has a wonderful surprise when she visits the beach the following weekend and is overjoyed that she really has made a difference.

This inspiring picture book gently reinforces the message that everyone has a responsibility to care for the environment and demonstrates that lots of small actions can have a big impact. The uplifting story is accompanied by beautiful illustrations, which bring the seascape to life.

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