Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books
Bumble-Ardy is a piglet who has never had a birthday party. When he goes to live with his Aunt Adeline he is over-joyed to find out he will finally be able to celebrate. The problem is that Bumble-Ardy can’t wait until his Aunt returns from work and arranges a party himself which quickly gets out of hand. What will his Aunt say when she arrives home?
Sendak explores the joyfulness and anarchic spirit of young children using art-work that mimics children’s own drawings mixed with more frightening images from folk tales. Children will love the rhyme and rhythm of the writing and delight in the mess Bumble-Ardy’s friends make before his aunt returns to set things to right.
Books about pigs
Pigs are often described as one of the most intelligent animals, so maybe that's why they've inspired countless children's books.