5 thrilling historical adventures 23/01/25
Publisher: Orchard Books
To Chloe (a big Jane Austen fan) and her friends in Year Nine boys are a complete mystery. With the Snog Fest looming (otherwise known as the annual school dance), drastic action is required, especially after last year's disaster. They decide upon taking a scientific approach and set to work to draw up a spreadsheet on the art of Boywatching. Surely this is the way to ensure the evening will be a success…
This hilarious story of Chloe and her friends navigating their way through the highs and lows of teenage life is a highly entertaining read for younger teenagers.
For anyone who loves the Georgia Nicholson books by Louise Rennison.
Jane Austen with a twist - for children
Pride and Prejudice is of course a much-loved route into Austen's works - and it's perfect for older teens. But here are other books by other authors that may appeal to children a little bit younger.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Emmy, 03 November 2016
What a book pure amazement
Jeff, 09 July 2015
Very good