Boy Oh Boy

Publisher: Wide Eyed Editions

Boy Oh Boy is an entertaining way to meet 30 positive male role models from throughout history, with coming-of-age stories about sportsmen, artists, politicians, educators and scientists: from Nelson Mandela to Prince and the slam poet Kit Yan. What unites them all is innovation AND the ability to achieve so much while fighting stereotypes.

It's great that Boy Oh Boy covers such a wide range of disciplines and career paths, as it demonstrates the endless possibilities when it comes to living a life and being a man.

There are lots of books at the moment that introduce kids to extraordinary women who defied discrimination. It's great to see something that addresses similar issues but with a focus on men. Not only do both sexes need to work together to create a better, more tolerant society, but a book like this frees boys of toxic concepts such as "boys will be boys" and "real men don't cry". It also covers the social and political barriers that dogged many of these men: from racism to trans-phobia to abuse for being gay...

However, if you think this all sounds a touch strident, rest assured that the book is not. You can easily just enjoy the book as portraits of incredible people, illustrated in vibrant colour, which will inspire all children to use their talents, express their passions and stand up for what they think is right.

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