Blood Fever
Publisher: Penguin
At Eton there appears to be a sinister and secret society operating in the heart of the school, at the same time in the Mediterranean a young girl and her tutor are taken captive by a Hungarian pirate - but are the two linked?
When James Bond goes on a holiday to Sardinia during his summer break from Eton he is soon caught up in an exciting adventure and makes the shocking discovery that one of his schoolmasters is in cahoots with a villainous count who has built himself a mountain fortress.
In this second Young Bond adventure, Charlie Higson has created another exciting escapade for his young hero. Written with a great sense of action and pace, readers will love following James' daring exploits.
Detective stories
Follow clues, unravel mysteries and uncover secrets with these engaging detective stories. These stories are ideal for adventure loving, puzzle solving, unnecessarily inquisitive older children.