Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog Take an Evening Stroll
Publisher: Prestel
Big Hedgehog and Little Hedgehog are walking home through the forest. It’s getting late and it’s almost time for Little Hedgehog’s bedtime, but Little Hedgehog wants to stop along the way and watch the sun set, the moon rise, smell the wildflowers and visit the owls.
Patiently, Big Hedgehog waits for Little Hedgehog as they experience every moment of the homeward walk – and carries Little Hedgehog when they are suddenly very tired indeed.
This delightful, gentle story about taking your time to “smell the roses along the way” – and the lovely moments that can be found with small children when walking, and marvelling at the beauty of small things – is sweet and relatable. Britta Teckentrup’s paint and collage illustration is always gorgeous, and her vivid forest colours that fade to some beautiful moonlight scenes suit this gentle bedtime story very well. Plus, the hedgehogs are adorable.
The soothing text (in a nice clear font) is perfect for bedtime, before nap time or any time of the day when a bit of calm is required.
Books about trees for 0-5
This selection of books about trees and their inhabitants will encourage young nature lovers to look closely at their surroundings when out for a walk. From jungles to forests, owls to monkeys, children will love learning more about trees.