What to Read After... David Walliams 17/02/25
Baby's Day
(also printed as 'Baby Day')
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
- Colourful board book with a mixture of illustration and photos
- Babies will love looking at the photos of other babies and hearing about their day
- Share the gentle rhyme, with plenty of chances for actions and cuddles
A selection of books for sharing with newborns, but many can be enjoyed by older babies, toddlers and even preschoolers
Being active
Hop, skip, dance and jump with these books guaranteed to get you up and moving
Baby's First Books
It's never too soon to start enjoying books and reading - and these engaging baby books are the perfect places to start.
What you thought...
Average rating:
M, 12 August 2017
Lovely first book from birth. Full of colours and faces, Shows diversity as well.
tanghowell, 08 June 2017
This is really a nice book my LO really likes it.
Gagloons, 16 May 2017
My little one enjoys looking at the babies, and the rhymes are fun to read.
KaylaF, 14 May 2017
My health visitor left this book for us in the Bookstart pack. Xander liked to look at all the different babies in the book. We read this in the afternoon before his nap.
Lshowarth, 20 April 2017
Wonderful first book for baby. My son really enjoyed looking at the pictures of the babies in the book.
Chloe6897, 09 March 2017
Fun book, nice and easy and Dexter loved it!
Dexter's reading time..., 02 March 2017
Part of my little one's evening bedtime reads. The thickness of the pages are perfect for little ones to handle and now she loves turning the pages.
SaraK, 17 February 2017
Great book. Annie has really enjoyed this the bold colours are great for little ones.
Corky, 04 February 2017
My little girl loved this book it was provided by the health visitor. She loved the bright high contrast colours.
Corky, 04 February 2017
I read this book to my son and he really enjoyed it
Shanie, 30 January 2017
My baby loves this book. We have read it since my LO was eight weeks. Great tool to introduce and talk about routines to your child. You can show the book to your child when you are enjoying one of those activities. It definitely promotes language development and interaction.
mrs libro, 29 January 2017
My 1-year-old loves this book so much, to the point I have read it hundreds of times. I know it off by heart but keep reading it as it keeps her entertained.
Natalie92, 26 January 2017
Good book for doing actions too e.g. stretching and yawning.
Harri, 22 January 2017
We love this little book given to us by our Health Visitor. My little girl loves the bright colours and she babbles at the babies!
MummyBear80, 18 December 2016
Really good starter book. Simple sentences and intriguing colours to keep baby's attention.
Rileychamaleon16, 29 November 2016
We keep reading the book again and again. My little one shows me as I am reading along. It's so nice to see little one to enjoy the reading this much.
Bebenciukas, 07 November 2016
I enjoyed readinng this book to my chil. It's the same sort of routine I have for him so will continue to read this to him so as he gets older the routine will stick! Brilliant wording!
Frenchybear, 05 October 2016
Loves to read this book
J&C, 01 October 2016
Lovely colourful book with rhyming...my daughter enjoys me reading this book before going to bed & we like copying the actions & cuddles, it makes it fun.
Kat, 30 September 2016
We have loved reading this book together sine she was only a few months old. Even now she does actions for each page and used it to identify facial features etc. A favourite for bedtime reading!
L_ChMa, 13 July 2016
Received in bookstart pack for my baby. Nice and simple to read to her with rhyming and nice pictures.
LianneS, 30 June 2016
This is the first book I have read with my 4 month old. She was very interested, looking at the pictures and touching the book. We are reading it at bedtime.
Alex90, 21 June 2016
This book came with our baby Bookstart pack and my son absolutely loved it. The pictures really caught his attention as if he was trying to relate the baby's routine to that of his own!
Sharon1, 21 June 2016
Nice big writing and solid pages.
Faystan, 23 May 2016
My daughter has loved this book from day one - she chewed it, cuddled it, hid behind it and now enjoys looking at the babies' faces, pointing to their eyes, nose, mouth, etc. It's easy to hold/carry around!
Judrop, 10 May 2016
Caiden enjoys seeing all the pictures of all the baby's in this book. We pretend we're tickling some to make them laugh. We always read this twice, Caiden loves the last page of the little baby having a nap!
caiden, 14 March 2016
This was such a favourite book when our daughter was a baby, that it used to go everywhere with us- nappy changes, mealtimes, bedtimes, journeys in the car. She still returns to it now and loves to give the babies in the book a kiss!
Plop, 08 February 2016
Unbelievable how this book can grasp the attention of babies. I read it alone to my daughter & also in a small group of five babies all of similar age of 7 months, & their faces beamed & little chuckles. Priceless reactions!
Duster, 07 February 2016
We received this free with the library starter pack and baby just loves it! I think it's the photos of baby faces that gets her so excited and the big words printed on black background. A simple little book but great for babies.
Kym687, 04 February 2016
Lovely little book
Jacob, 29 January 2016
Good first time book. Keeps baby occupied
Lberry, 21 December 2015
We love reading this book every day, our girl is so happy and excited.
Bebenciukas, 02 December 2015
My daughter loves this book, when we first got it she used to kiss each of the babies on each page, now she points and says babies and does actions to the book like splashing or sleeping.
Cherrie713, 02 December 2015
My daughter is 3 months old and absolutely loves this books, got free in her book start pack and she gets very excited looking at the other baby's faces.
Rebi, 25 November 2015
Oliver is 9 months old and he loved this book the pictures are large and colourful.
Deb85, 21 October 2015
We read this book together after his nap and he enjoyed turning the pages and looking at the close up pictures of baby's faces
Deavon bear15, 15 October 2015
I am looking for book fot my lovely son. i want to start from his beginning age to love read book.
winning, 17 September 2015
Good first book for little eyes and a new mummy
Mummykins, 29 August 2015
Read this book with my boy since he was a few weeks old...he always loves looking at the other baby's faces, especially the very smiley ones and those with big eyes!
Bear Force 5000, 28 August 2015
This is my son's favourite book, he loves looking at the babies and listening to the rhyme. He even will hold the book himself and stare at it at only 6 months old. Even when i don't have the book to hand, if i recite the words, he always smiles! Such a great first starter book!
luckysun, 28 August 2015
Brilliant starter book. My baby loved it from when we first read it and loves looking at the pictures.
Bc1234, 24 August 2015
Alfie liked the pictures in this book.
Alfie and Gem, 23 July 2015
We loved the gentle rhyme and baby pictures.
Mama Bradley, 03 July 2015
My son likes to see the pictures in books.In this book, he loves seeing pictures of other babies and also says the small things in each page. Also he tells what each baby is upto....
Zidan, 01 July 2015
My 2 year old daughter is learning to read and this book is a good way to start as its very easy for her to understand and she uses most of these words in every day life.
Abigale & Lucas, 29 June 2015
My son of 8 months really enjoyed this book. He was giggling at every page.
Abigale & Lucas, 28 June 2015
Lily loves this book, always bringing it to us to read and stretching to show us how it starts!
Mum2Lily, 23 June 2015
We borrowed this book off a friend when Charlotte was first born and then we were lucky enough to receive our own copy in Charlotte's Book Start Bag at our 3-4 month check. Charlotte loves looking at the pictures of other babies. We say the rhymes during the day as we carry out the same activities as the babies in the book
LouiseH, 17 June 2015
My mummy read this book to me. I did enjoy it.
Canyon, 17 June 2015
We loved sharing this book and my little boy loves to look carefully at all of the babies on each page, not letting me turn the page until he has really drunk them in!
Mummy dragon, 09 June 2015
Lovely little book. I love a book that rhymes and my little boy does too. It flows nicely. The pictures of the little babies are lovely and my son kissed each page and smiled the whole way through. Just long enough to keep his attention at 8month old and being a board book he enjoyed exploring it too.
jadey88, 20 May 2015
My son loves this book as he loves other children. It was free in our bookstart bag. I have to read him the story and give each baby in the book a kiss then he copies me.
angie1984, 14 May 2015
I sang this to my 5 week old daughter and we loved it. Lots of rhyming.
Katie D, 09 May 2015
Very good as a 1st book. Very easy and simple to read :)
Mummy's stories, 19 April 2015
It's very simply and easy to read this book to my girl. She love this book.
bigbear&littlebear, 16 April 2015
We received this book in our BookStart baby pack. My daughter is 11months old and enjoyed the story. She liked pointing out the other babies on each page.
MummaHeath, 16 April 2015
Read this to my 4month old daughter and she loved it. Giggles and laughs at the colours.
maisie moos book club, 10 April 2015
My daughter loves this book and this is one of her favourites. She loves the babies in the book.
Savee, 20 March 2015
Cute book shows pictures of things babies do got this free in my book start bag my son likes it especially the last page where the baby is going to bed. Not much of a story going on though verbally not bad but I am not sure I would have bought this nice to have though
EdwardBear, 17 March 2015
My little boy loves this book. He will often get the book and plonk himself on my lap so we can read it together.
Thomasj, 04 March 2015
My 6 month old loved to look at the pictures of the babies while I read the rhyme to him.
Henry&mummybear, 03 March 2015
my son loves looking at the babies faces. we re-enact what the baby is doing.
T.C.W, 24 February 2015
My daughters first book. She keeps smiling and hugging the babies in the book
Eva.baranya, 21 February 2015
This is our favorite book at the minute! The colours are great and the words rhyme making it a fun read!
Toni_khaleesi, 12 February 2015
She liked this one, she just kept smiling throughout the whole time I read to her. :D
Winbo, 11 February 2015
Given by cousin, read this boOk so many times as she likes hearing it with actions n my elder also enjoy as her tasks been done.