As Red as Blood

Publisher: Hot Key Books

Seventeen year old Lumikki lives alone in Tampere, Finland. When she discovers a stack of washed Euro notes hanging up to dry in the school darkroom, she unwillingly finds herself embroiled in a dangerous web of deceit and murder connected to renowned criminal boss, Polar Bear. Lumikki is brave and clever, but is even she smart enough to bring down a master criminal?

The first in the Snow White trilogy, this is a gripping and engrossing story featuring a strong and courageous heroine. Set against a wintry Finnish backdrop, this is an intriguing and brilliantly crafted thriller which keeps the reader absorbed right to the end.

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A boy that no one notices becomes a target on the run, when a tragic event prompts him to mix with a world of street gangs and drug dealers. This pacey crime thriller feels unique, realistic and truthful.

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