Animal Antics
Publisher: DK
Smile… you’re on camera! In these candid and hilarious photographs, lots of different animals have been caught in the act of making funny faces or doing the silliest looking of things. There’s a laughing leopard, polar bears having a boogie, and even a Komodo dragon practising kung-fu.
Each photo is accompanied by a short paragraph of text that reveals the story behind the image and provides a useful and fascinating insight into the creature’s life within the animal world. Why exactly is a bobcat is perched on top of an enormous cactus? To hide from a cougar of course. And why does a fox have its head buried in the snow? Rather than playing hide-and-seek, it’s actually hunting. And the tree shrew perched on a pitcher plant? Yup, it really is having a poo…
A book for dipping in and out of, laughing at, and then sharing the animal facts with your friends.
Books about polar bears for older children (8+)
Polar bears are fierce, solitary and both terrifying and enthralling in equal measure. They capture the imagination like no other animal.
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Abdulrasheed, 16 March 2022
i am giving a comment about this book because it has plenty pages of plenty animals i do not know about i collected this book in school i will say 5 star