Why comics matter for young readers 02/12/24
After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again
Publisher: Andersen Press
You’ve heard the story of Humpty Dumpty – what we will now refer to as the Great Fall. But did you know what happened afterwards? Put back together by doctors at the Kings County Hospital, Humpty goes back to his old life, but not all wounds can be healed with bandages and glue. Humpty is scared of heights after the fall, and it starts to get in the way of him enjoying his everyday life.
One day, Humpty sees a paper plane fly through the sky and decides to make a paper bird: at least it can fly free in the sky and not be afraid. And after much effort, and as Humpty is brave enough to climb high to let it go, the paper bird springs to life. Now, perhaps, Humpty will be remembered as the egg that was brave enough to get back up and fly.