A World of Dogs
Publisher: Nosy Crow
This book is a treasure trove for any child who loves or is interested in dogs or animals. It’s a celebration of fascinating dog facts and real-life stories of amazing dogs, and the illustrations by Luisa Uribe are full of fun and heart, from her chihuahua in a teacup to her huge Great Dane who ate 26 sofas!
The author, who has also written a brilliant novel from a dog’s point of view, I Cosmo, wrote this book after adopting an American Dingo puppy called Dany and pledging to find out everything about her. This ignited her curiosity about all things dog – from why their sense of smell is so amazing to doggy ancient history to hero dogs. All this passion and research has been put into this book which makes it a truly brilliant example of non-fiction, fascinating enough to read cover to cover. There’s a helpful glossary and index which will make this book one to return to again and again. And the endpapers would make a fabulous poster!
Mae’r llyfr hwn yn drysor cudd i unrhyw blentyn sydd wrth ei fodd â chŵn ac anifeiliaid neu sydd â diddordeb ynddyn nhw. Mae’n ddathliad o ffeithiau diddorol a straeon go iawn am gŵn anhygoel, ac mae’r darluniadau gan Luisa Uribe yn llawn hwyl ac o’r galon – o’r shiwawa mewn cwpan de i’r ci mawr Denmarc a fwytaodd 26 soffa!
Mae’r llyfr hwn yn enghraifft wirioneddol wych o waith ffeithiol ac yn ddigon diddorol i’w ddarllen o glawr i glawr. Ceir geirfa a mynegai defnyddiol, a fydd yn gwneud y llyfr hwn yn un i ddychwelyd ato.
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