A Medal for Leroy
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books
Michael’s father was brought up by Aunty Snowdrop and Aunty Pish until he left to join the air force and was killed in World War II. Michael has always wanted to know more about his father, but when he discovers Aunty Snowdrop’s notebook hidden behind his father’s photo, he realises his life is about to change forever.
Inspired by the true story of Walter Tull, the first black officer in the British army, Michael Morpurgo has created a moving story about love, loss and discovering your identity, which demonstrates a masterful understanding of a child's perspective on life. Illustrated by Michael Foreman, this is an immensely engaging and touching story, which have appeal for a wide range of readers, including the less confident.
Books by Michael Morpurgo
Some might say that Michael Morpurgo is the nation's storyteller. A titan of literature, children all over the planet love and devour his books.
Black History Month
For Black History Month we have put together a booklist of historical stories from Black History around the world.