Lorraine Gregory
Lorraine Gregory was raised on a council estate in east London by an Austrian mother and an Indian father. Her love of reading and wild imagination led to years of making up stories but none of them made it to the page until she began writing them down for her son.
Her debut children's novel, Mold and the Poison Plot, was released in 2017 and won the SCBWI Crystal Kite award for UK and Ireland in 2018. Her second book, The Maker of Monsters, will be published in May 2019. Both fantasy adventures have strong themes of diversity, inclusivity and friendship tucked within the pages. Lorraine is also part of the duo who set up and run the popular bi-monthly #ukmgchat on Twitter, which allows authors, agents, publishers and general book lovers the opportunity to discuss the joy of children's books in detail. She lives in Loughton, Essex