BookTrust and Bookstart worldwide

BookTrust's Bookstart early years gifting model has been replicated beyond the UK's borders and there are similar schemes across five continents, many called Bookstart. Each has variations to suit its local context.

International interest in Bookstart continues to grow and new programmes are starting in various countries. These programmes give free books to babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, alongside advice to parents on shared reading and reading for pleasure. Most are partnership programmes. Some are called Bookstart, and we and the other Bookstart organisations offer advice when requested. EURead is a European network that includes many of these organisations, and at EURead we have developed a worldwide network of early years bookgifting organisations.

Below you will find some of the organisations and programmes that have been inspired by Bookstart in the past, or which had links with us through what used to be called Bookstart affiliation, a scheme that is now ended.

Bookstart worldwide

In Europe

Find out where our Bookstart programme has inspired other national and regional early years bookgifting schemes in countries within Europe. International interest in Bookstart continues to grow and new programmes are starting in various countries.

In Asia

Find out where our Bookstart programme has inspired other national and regional early years bookgifting schemes in countries within Asia. International interest in Bookstart continues to grow and new programmes are starting in various countries.

In North America

Find out where our Bookstart programme has inspired other national and regional early years bookgifting schemes in countries within North America. International interest in Bookstart continues to grow and new programmes are starting in various countries.

In Central and South America

Find out where our Bookstart programme has inspired other national and regional early years bookgifting schemes in countries within Central and South America. International interest in Bookstart continues to grow and new programmes are starting in various countries.

In Oceania

Find out where our Bookstart programme has inspired other national and regional early years bookgifting schemes in countries within Australia and New Zealand. International interest in Bookstart continues to grow and new programmes are starting in various countries.

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Find out about Bookstart

Bookstart offers the gift of free books to all children at key stages before they start school. We provide parental guidance materials to inspire a love of reading in babies, toddlers and preschoolers as well as helping professionals to support families.

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