It's Time to Rhyme!

Saying rhymes together and singing simple songs are great ways to have fun with your child.

Rhymes help children understand how language works. They help children to learn the different sounds in a language, to feel its rhythm and to have fun with words. These things will really help your child to read, talk and write.

Listen to the Rhymes

Watch or listen to the rhymes

You can watch or listen to the rhymes in the 'It's Time to Rhyme!' calendar here.

Rhyme Calendar

Download the Rhyme Calendar

To take and keep at home from the first week. This is full of fun rhymes, along with tips for rhyming.

Rhyme sheets

Download the rhyme sheets

Five A4 English rhyme sheets and activities. One for each week, colour coded to keep things simple!

Welsh rhyme sheets

Download Welsh rhyme sheets

Five A4 Welsh rhyme sheets and activities. One for each week, colour coded for ease of use!

Two activity sheets

Download activity sheets

To accompany the rhymes in weeks 1 and 3, ‘Five Little Ducks’ and ‘Old MacDonald Had A Farm’.

English rhyme posters

Download the posters

Five A3 English rhyme posters for you to display in your classroom or setting.

Welsh rhyme posters

Download the Welsh rhyme posters

Five A3 posters of the Welsh rhymes. These are for you to display in your class/setting.