Ten Little Dinosaurs and Funny Bunnies activities

If your school received Ten Little Dinosaurs and Funny Bunnies as part of the Pori Drwy Stori Nursery, Book Talk then you'll find all the relevant activities and guides here.

Introducing Book Talk

Introducing Book Talk

A bilingual leaflet to introduce Book Talk to families, with some useful ideas and tips.

Funny Bunnies activity

Funny Bunnies activity

Funny Bunnies activity related to the books, encouraging parents and carers to talk, play and have fun with their child!

Ten Little Dinosaurs activity

Ten Little Dinosaurs puppet activity

Finger puppet activity encouraging parents and carers to talk, play and have fun with their child!

Post cards

Post cards

Three fun feedback postcards to help develop and strengthen home-school and setting links.

Listen to Funny Bunnies Rain or Shine in Welsh

Listen to Ten Little Dinosaurs in Welsh


Book Talk poster

Colourful poster (with question prompts) for children to talk about with their families.