Welcome to Bookbuzz

Helping you to embed a reading for pleasure culture in your school, right from transition.

Registration for Bookbuzz has now closed, but will reopen in March 2025. 

Sign up below to receive a reminder.

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Cyfle i ennill set o 3 llyfr gan Atebol

Telerau ac amodau

  1. Rhaid i gystadleuwyr fod yn 18 oed o leiaf i gystadlu.
  2. I gystadlu, rhaid i chi fod yn breswylydd yn Lloegr, yr Alban, Cymru neu Ogledd Iwerddon.
  3. Nid yw'r gystadleuaeth yn agored i gyflogeion BookTrust (na'u teulu agos)
  4. Dim ond un ymgais i bob person.
  5. Rhaid cyflwyno pob cais erbyn 11pm ddydd Iau 23 Chwefror 2023.
  6. Dewisir un enillydd ar hap (o blith pob cystadleuydd cymwys).
  7. Os na fydd enillydd a ddewiswyd yn ymateb i ohebiaeth o fewn wythnos, detholir enillydd newydd.
  8. Bydd ein penderfyniad yn derfynol, ac ni fyddwn yn llythyru ar y pwnc hwn.
  9. Nid oes modd trosglwyddo'r wobr i rywun arall.
  10. Nid ellir cyfnewid unrhyw ran o'r wobr am arian parod nac unrhyw wobr arall.
  11. Cynhelir y wobr gan BookTrust, No. 1 Aire Street, Leeds, LS1 4PR. Serch hynny, bydd y wobr yn cael ei hanfon gan drydydd parti, a thrwy gystadlu byddwch chi'n cydnabod fod eich manylion yn mynd i gael eu trosglwyddo iddyn nhw, i bwrpas gweinyddu'r gystadleuaeth hon yn unig.
  12. Anfonir gwobrau i'r enillwyd drwy'r post. Ond ni all BookTrust fod yn gyfrifol am unrhyw wobrau sy'n mynd ar goll, yn cael eu niweidio na'u dwyn ar ôl iddyn nhw gael eu hanfon.
  13. Pan fydd trydydd parti'n cyflenwi gwobr, nid yw BookTrust yn derbyn dim cyfrifoldeb dros anghywirdeb unrhyw ddisgrifiad o'r wobr, a'r trydydd parti sy'n gyfrifol am gyflawni'r wobr.
  14. Drwy gystadlu rydych chi'n cytuno â'r telerau a'r amodau yn ein datganiad preifatrwydd.
  15. Mae BookTrust yn cadw'r hawl i newid dyddiad cau'r gystadleuaeth ar unrhyw adeg.

Already purchased Bookbuzz? Go to the Coordinators zone

This curated programme of books and resources for secondary schools has been specially developed by BookTrust to encourage young people to get reading.

Bookbuzz gives students the chance to choose and keep a book they’ll love from a collection of 16 titles, newly selected each year by our panel of BookTrust reading experts, practising teachers and school librarians.

Your school will receive all the tools you’ll need to deliver the programme to your Year 7 and 8 students, helping to scaffold their choices and find the book that’s right for them.

  • Give every student the chance to choose and own their own book selected from a range of hand-picked fiction and non-fiction
  • Includes expert-selected titles that you can rely on for inclusivity and a variety of text complexity and challenge, with dyslexia-friendly options
  • Ideal for use in timetabled library time with a bank of resources to help you share the books with students in a fun and engaging way
  • A cost-effective solution to your literacy transition needs with additional books for your school library and plenty of print and online support
"Bookbuzz is an amazing way to get students excited about books" - Librarian

How does Bookbuzz work?

Bookbuzz costs just £3.45 per student.

Your comprehensive package of books and resources includes:

  • The Bookbuzz launch pack with a full guide to support you in delivering the programme, two copies of each of this year’s 16 Bookbuzz titles, bookmarks and posters to create eye-catching displays in your library or classroom and a range of online resources including videos and downloadable slide decks to structure delivery.
  • One Bookbuzz book for every student plus access to the Bookbuzz student zone with plenty of support for students to get inspired – including blogs and videos from featured authors, competitions and quizzes.

Hear how Bookbuzz has helped to build a reading for pleasure culture in this school's community:

Explore Bookbuzz

The Bookbuzz launch pack

This includes a range of resources to introduce the Bookbuzz books to students and scaffold their choices.

The Bookbuzz video

This helps you to launch the programme with fun, 30-second author pitches giving students a flavour of each book.

How the books are chosen

Find out about the expert panel that selects the titles for Bookbuzz.

Find out more

About Bookbuzz

Find out how Bookbuzz can get your Year 7 and 8 students excited about reading. All this for just £3.45 per student.

Why schools love Bookbuzz

Here's what the schools who receive Bookbuzz packs have to say about the programme.

Supporting transition from primary to secondary school

How Bookbuzz can help children with the transition from primary school to secondary school.


All your questions about Bookbuzz answered.

Watch our webinar!

Developing reading for pleasure at Key Stage 3

Watch the recording of our webinar to learn more about Bookbuzz, hear the latest research on the impact of reading for pleasure and gain strategies for developing a school-wide reading culture from our panel of practitioners.

Catch up now