Llyfrau Gwych i Blant Bach yn Gymraeg a Saesneg / Great Books for Toddlers in Welsh and English

Dawns yr Anifeiliaid Doing the Animal Bop.jpg

Ydych chi’n chwilio am lyfrau i’w darllen i’ch plentyn bach yn Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg? Boed yn llyfr amser gwely neu rywbeth i’w drysori am flynyddoedd i ddod, mae gennym ni lyfrau hyfryd i chi roi cynnig arnyn nhw gyda’ch plentyn bach yn y ddwy iaith.

Are you looking for books to read to your toddler in Welsh or English? Whether that’s a book for bedtime or something to treasure for years to come, we’ve got wonderful books for you to try with your toddler in both languages.

  • Alphaprint: Anifeiliaid (bilingual)

    Author: Sarah Powell Illustrator: Jo Ryan
    Publisher: Atebol
    Interest age: 0-4

    Bydd y plant wrth eu boddau yn archwilio’r anifeiliaid sydd wedi’u cyflwyno mewn ffordd newydd sbon yn y llyfr bwrdd hwyliog hwn ar odl.

    Children will love exploring animals as we’ve never seen them before in this fun, rhyming board book.

  • Ben a Betsan: Y Falŵn fawr / Ben and Betsan: The Big Balloon (bilingual)

    Author: Axel Scheffler Adapted by Eleri Huws
    Publisher: Rily
    Interest age: 2-6
    Reading age: 6+

    Gydag anifeiliaid llawn cymeriad ar bob tudalen, mae llawer i’w ganfod a’i archwilio yn y stori hyfryd hon am gyfeillgarwch.

    Filled with characterful animals on every page, there’s lots to spot and explore in this cheering story about friendship.

  • Cwning-od I Fyny Ac I Lawr / Funny Bunnies Up and Down (bilingual)

    Author: David Melling Adapted by Mared Edwards
    Publisher: Atebol
    Interest age: 0-5

    Llyfr bwrdd hwyliog yn llawn symudiadau i’w gwneud gyda’r plant.

    A fun and bold board book full of actions that you can do with children.

  • Ble Wyt Ti, Bwci Bo? / Where are you, Bwci Bo? (bilingual)

    Author: Joanna Davies Illustrator: Steven Goldstone
    Publisher: Atebol
    Interest age: 4-5

    Where in the world are all the monsters? Join them in the ocean, the woods, and even in space! Rhyming fun in two languages, packing in plenty to pore over with toddlers.

  • Dawns yr Anifeiliaid / Doing the Animal Bop (bilingual)

    Author: Jan Ormerod Adapted by Delyth George Illustrator: Lindsey Gardiner
    Publisher: Rily
    Interest age: 1-5

    Llond trol o ddawnsio, hwyl a chanu, a bydd y plant wrth eu bodd yn ymuno â’r sbri.

    A riot of dancing, fun and singing that children will love to join in with.

  • Gŵydd ar y Fferm / Goose on the Farm (bilingual)

    Author: Laura Wall Adapted by Gill Saunders Jones
    Publisher: Atebol
    Interest age: 2-6
    Reading age: 6+

    Bydd pawb yn mwynhau’r ymweliad cofiadwy hwn â’r fferm.

    Everyone will enjoy this very memorable trip to the farm.

  • Hapus / Happy (bilingual)

    Author: Emma Dodd Adapted by Ceri Wyn Jones
    Publisher: Dref Wen
    Interest age: 2-5

    Stori i godi calon am fwynhau chwarae, chwerthin a dysgu gyda’r tylluanod bach a mawr anwylaf.  

    A heart-warming story about enjoying play, laughter and learning with the cutest little and large owls. 

  • Mor hyfryd yw’r byd / What a wonderful world (bilingual)

    Author: Bob Thiele and George Davis Weiss Adapted by Tudur Dylan Jones
    Publisher: Rily
    Interest age: 2-7
    Reading age: 6+

    Llyfr lluniau llawn ysbrydoliaeth sy’n dychmygu’r byd hyfryd a lliwgar yng nghân adnabyddus Louis Armstrong.

    An inspiring picture book that imagines the wonderful and colourful world from Louis Armstrong’s classic song.

  • Weithiau Dwi’n Teimlo’n Heulog / Sometimes I Feel Sunny (bilingual)

    Author: Gillian Shields Adapted by Gwynne Williams
    Publisher: Dref Wen
    Interest age: 0-7
    Reading age: 3-6

    Llyfr hyfryd a gonest am deimladau, o deimlo’n heulog i deimlo’n drist, a phopeth rhwng y ddau.

    A lovable and honest book about feelings, from feeling sunny to feeling sad and everything in between.