Who is Sleeping?

Lift the Flap

Publisher: Walker Books

Petr Horacek’s rich, colourful illustrations are a delight in this simple board book, which would be great to share with a child at bedtime. Each page asks a question along the lines of "Who is sleeping in the river?", and has a flap to lift and reveal the animal in question. The final page allows the child to predict that it will be a child in the bed.

The book teaches common animal names and helps children to understand that all animals, including humans, have different environments to live in and special places to sleep.

All the flaps and pages are sturdy enough to withstand repeated lifting and turning, and the flaps are all different, tactile shapes which children will love to touch. This is a good companion to Honk, Honk! Baa, Baa! by the same author.

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