
Publisher: Little Tiger

After the robot revolt on planet Somewhere 513, K1-NG, King of the Robots, has vowed never to help another human. He sits alone on a scrap heap for ten years. Then suddenly two sisters burst into his life. With humans banned from the planet, it’s astonishing that they exist, let alone have found him. But with hunter robots tracking them down, and something rotten at the core of robot society, K1-NG, now known as Scrap, finds himself in a breakneck adventure to help the humans and perhaps discover a new purpose to his own existence.

Guy Bass is well loved for his Stitch Head series and this book explores similar themes, namely, what it is to be human, a good friend and loyal, all wrapped up in an action-packed plot and full of humour. This book is the first in a trilogy and is for slightly older readers than Guy’s previous series, with fewer illustrations (though they are brilliant) and a more complicated syntax and structure, with the back story told in flashback. There is lots to discuss here, from consumerism to society’s obsession with looks, as well as morality and heroism. Fantastic.

Mae Scrap y robot wedi eistedd ar ei ben ei hun ar blaned Somewhere 513 ers deng mlynedd. Ers y rhyfel, mae pobl wedi cael eu gwahardd. Felly, pan fo dwy chwaer yn saethu i mewn i'w fywyd, mae Scrap yn canfod ei hun mewn antur fyrlymus i’w helpu nhw ac efallai darganfod pwrpas newydd ar gyfer ei fodolaeth ei hun.

Mae Guy Bass yn uchel ei barch am ei gyfres Stitch Head ac mae'r llyfr hwn yn brolio plot llawn egni tebyg â digonedd o hiwmor. Ceir llawer i'w drafod gan gynnwys: prynwriaeth, estheteg, moesoldeb ac arwriaeth. Y llyfr gwych hwn yw'r cyntaf mewn cyfres o dri.

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