Sammy Striker and the Football Cup
Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books
Sammy loves football and takes her ball with her wherever she goes: to the shops, the zoo, the bath and even the loo! One day she’s playing in the park when the coach for the national team spots her skills. She invites Sammy to join the team and soon Sammy’s practising hard on the pitch. But every time she aims for goal, the ball curves away. Sammy is very upset, and an important match is looming. How can Sammy find the confidence to use her skills in just the right way?
This would be a great choice to read aloud. The rhyme and rhythm pull you through the story, which is pitched just right for young school children, who are possibly beginning to work through confidence issues. The overall message – that you should celebrate your difference – is lightly done, and Sammy is a relatable character even if you aren’t brilliant at football. Importantly, the young football teams have girls and boys in them, which is wonderful to see.
A positive, exciting picture book with relatively high stakes – winning for the country! – and illustrations packed with action and energy.
Mae Sammy wrth ei bodd yn chwarae pêl-droed! Un diwrnod, mae hyfforddwr y tîm cenedlaethol yn sylwi ar ei photensial. Ond bob tro mae hi'n anelu at y gôl, mae'r bêl yn gwyro i'r ochr. Sut all Sammy ddod o hyd i'r hyder i ddefnyddio'i sgiliau yn y ffordd iawn?
Mae'r odl a'r rhythm yn eich tynnu drwy'r stori, sydd ar lefel hollol addas i blant ysgol ifanc, sydd o bosibl yn dechrau mynd i'r afael â phroblemau'n ymwneud â hyder. Mae'r neges gyffredinol, sef y dylech chi ddathlu'r hyn sy'n eich gwneud yn wahanol, yn cael ei thrin yn sensitif, ac mae gan y timau pêl-droed ifanc ferched a bechgyn ynddyn nhw, sy'n braf i'w weld. Mae'n byrlymu â phositifrwydd ac egni!
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