Mama Car

Publisher: Faber

Mummy has a wheelchair and it’s brilliant!

Nothing beats the ‘Mama Car’ when you want to grab a lift to the kitchen to stock up on supplies. It can also go outside on fun expeditions and travel right back home again. And it can be decorated with colourful paper shapes. It can even be folded up in the back of the big car, when the family go for days out together.

And best of all, when needed, it has a soft cosy lap to cuddle up on – because, of course, it also has Mummy. 

This is a gorgeous child’s-eye view of everyday family life. Our narrator is a little girl with disabled parents, blissfully unencumbered by judgement or discrimination. Mummy is simply Mummy, and her wheelchair just a great chair with wheels. And this book encourages us all to adopt the same (embarrassingly obvious) approach to disability.

Every child should have a copy of this deceptively simple and yet ground-breaking picture book, as well as the two previous (equally myth-busting) picture books by the same creative team.   

Authentic, important and spot-on with the messaging. But let’s forget messages – it is also just a delightful picture book with a beautifully timeless appeal. Whatever your age, this book will envelop you in a warm, safe, cosy hug.

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