Lolly Luck
Publisher: Andersen Press
A small novel which addresses a number of big life issues. Daines handles them with skill, the humour tempering the sympathy, which ensures that the narrative never becomes over serious, nor preaches.
Lolly has always been lucky but a series of catastrophes at home threaten both her family life and her experience at school. Her father loses his job, and as a result the family lose their home. We see him become depressed and difficult, and a revelation by Lolly’s mother drives him to leave home. This revelation means that Lolly has to balance her loyalty to all of her family members. At the end readers are given the hope, but not assurance, of resolution.
Books to help children understand depression in grown-ups
If you're a parent or carer with depression, the fiction books below may help your child talk about their feelings and understand what's going on a bit better.