Eight Nights, Eight Lights
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
Every night of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, another candle is lit, and we follow a different family as they take part in their Chanukah traditions together. From Max and Lara’s delight at having their turn to light the candle, to Ellie and Sam playing dreidel with their aunt and uncle, there is a palpable sense of community, and of family love in these pages. The week culminates in a visit to the synagogue, where the rabbi tells the story of Chanukah – how the Jewish people fought against King Antiochus and discovered that their remaining menorah oil burned for eight days instead of one.
Featuring many different family set-ups, this gentle story introduces the traditions of Chanukah to those new to it, and reminds those who celebrate it how special it is. A beautiful book to curl up with and share with little ones every year.
Books for Hanukkah
Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, is celebrated all around the world each December – and there are lots of ways to join in the fun!