Dwylo’n Dawnsio (bilingual)

Publisher: Lyfrau Broga

Mae’r detholiad hwn o hwiangerddi Cymraeg traddodiadol yn gyflwyniad gwych i rigymau gweithredu syml. Mae yma rigymau cyfri, rhigymau sy’n adrodd stori fach (er enghraifft, am ddau ar gefn ceffyl yn chwilio am gnau), a rhigymau am draed a dwylo, sy’n cymell symudiadau i gyd-fynd â’r gân, wrth gwrs. Mae’r darluniau llachar, bywiog gan Sioned Medi Evans yn dangos i’r oedolyn sy’n darllen y llyfr sut yn union i wneud y symudiadau gyda phlentyn, gan beri fod hwn yn llyfr ymarferol iawn yn ogystal â bod yn hwyl i’w ddarllen yn uchel. Mae gan bob tudalen gyfarwyddyd gweledol clir wrth ochr y geiriau Cymraeg, a dangosir ystod cynhwysol o bobl.

I’r rheiny a hoffai weld cyfieithiad Saesneg o’r holl hwiangerddi traddodiadol hyn, mae’r geiriau Saesneg yn y cefn.

Byddai’r llyfr hwn yn berffaith i’w ddarllen gyda grŵp o fabis a phlant lleiaf, gan eu hannog i ymuno â’r symudiadau, a hefyd i ddarllen un wrth un.

This selection of traditional Welsh nursery rhymes is great introduction to simple action rhymes. There are counting rhymes, rhymes that tell a little story (for instance, about two people riding a horse, looking for nuts), and rhymes about hands and feet, which of course invite actions to go along with them. The bright, bold illustrations by Sioned Medi Evans show the adult reading the book exactly how to do the actions with a child, making this a very practical book as well as something fun to read aloud. Every page has clear visual instructions next to the words in Welsh, and there is an inclusive range of people depicted.  

For those who would like to know the English translation of these traditional rhymes, the English words are at the back.  

This would be great fun to read with a group of babies and toddlers, encouraging them to join in with the actions, and also to read one-on-one.  

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