Bobby Bains Plays a Blinder

Publisher: Barrington Stoke

Bobby loves football and so does Nana-ji, his grandad, even though they support different teams. Every Wednesday Nana-ji watches Bobby play for Wigby FC Juniors.

One day, Bobby is helping his mum at the community food bank, and an old man comes in. He also watches the local football teams, and Bobby chats to him. Trevor seems lonely, and he loves reggae music, like Nana-ji. So Bobby hatches a plan to get the two men to become friends – and it involves a strange kind of football! 

This heart-warming story of kindness and community is a delight. As a Sikh, helping others is part of Bobby’s religion, and his family of his single mother and Nana-ji is full of warmth.

Bali Rai expertly touches on poverty and on the principles Sikhs live by, interweaving these themes and observations into a contemporary, engaging story. Daniel Duncan’s black-and-white illustrations are full of expression and recognisable details. 

Ideal for reluctant readers, thick yellow paper ensures words and pictures dont show through the pages and confuse the eye. A unique, dyslexia-friendly font makes reading easier and the story is specially edited to help minimise barriers to comprehension. 


Mae Bobby wrth ei fodd â phêl-droed ac felly hefyd Nana- ji, ei dad-cu. Un diwrnod, mae Bobby yn helpu ei fam yn y banc bwyd cymunedol, ac yn sgwrsio â hen ddyn unig. Felly mae Bobby yn llunio cynllun i gael y ddau ddyn i ddod yn ffrindiau - ac mae’n cynnwys math rhyfedd o bêl-droed!

Mae’r stori ystyriol o ddyslecsia hon am garedigrwydd a chymuned yn hyfryd. Mae’n dangos sut mae helpu eraill yn rhan o Siciaeth Bobby, ac mae’n cynnwys eiliadau teuluol twymgalon gyda’i fam a’i Nana-ji.

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