Big Bad Dragon Club

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

This is a very funny picture book about three wicked dragons: Scorch, Grub and Fang.

They start off stomping around doing bad dragon stuff, such as smashing up cute little bunny picnics. But Scorch is not quite so bad and actually wants to be a chef. Whereas Grub does actually enjoy playing with children.

Fang is left being bad on his own, but where's the fun in that? A good moral tale to help young children calm down with a book and have a lot of fun doing so.

The story is told in super rhyming style and is fabulously easy to read out loud (the text makes it especially inviting to do funny voices). And like the best picture books, there are all sorts of mini-stories being told in the illustrations to talk about.

Very entertaining indeed for a group reading in an early years setting or Key Stage 1 class, or one to one at home.

Dyma lyfr lluniau doniol iawn am dair draig ddrygionus: Scorch, Grub a Fang. Maen nhw wrth eu bodd yn stompio o amgylch yn gwneud "stwff drwg dreigiau", ond, fesul un, maen nhw’n sylweddoli eu bod nhw’n gallu cael hyd yn oed mwy o hwyl wrth fod yn garedig a chreadigol.

Mae’r stori’n cael ei hadrodd mewn arddull odl hwyliog iawn ac mae’n wych ar gyfer ei darllen yn uchel. Mae pob math o straeon bach i’w gweld yn y darluniau hefyd. Yn cynnwys neges foesol dyner, byddai'r llyfr hwn yn ddewis difyr iawn ar gyfer darllen ar y cyd.

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